Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

pacifica what are you expecting the most from the leak list in this update?

Yeah, what are you looking most forward to next patch?

expecting might be the wrong word


I just hope we finally see stuff added in 2022 get finished, or at least more finished


can’t wait for this be more ruin lmfao

Like what correct weapons? or other stuff?

Ruin ?

Lets place bets on how this update will further divide the community

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Sea harrier FRS1 HUD, RWR, Exhaust,
Tornado Flight model, Kit, loadout
Harrier Gr7 MAWS

BOL overhaul

Not too mention newer stuff like the FA2 being nearly unplayable in Sim currently

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Oh I was hoping for more air to ground weapons like the agm144 but i guess that would be cool as well.

US mains fighting over Germany Swiss stuff.

Russians are fighting over British SA stuff.

Russians’ & US mains fighting over Japanese stuff lol

CBUs would be nice to finally get as well

probably a lot when Russia gets most of the vehicles and US at second place.

u forgot the chinese

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they have made top tier unbalanced, it completely fuck let alone the 16v16 arcade needs to go or do what realistic got let you chose.

What are CBUs.

Include denmark being argued for between german and swedish players

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who even play china lmfao???


Cluster bombs

Cluster bombs

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