Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

My general thing is 1 dollar is one dollar of entertainment. If it is 24.50 i better get 24 and a half hours of entertainment.

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I know, I was simply backing up my point, because no doubt someone will try and claim the Australian Lynx (which is almost identical to PUMA by game purposes) for the UK tree, as they have done before

chadley looks a bit different, and im not refering to the cammo netting, its something with the turret

Slightly modified for the Russia Ukraine conflict

i really want to see the KF41 lynx proto, its basically a PUMA with a 35 mm, crewless turret afaik, 4 ready to fire spike atgms and pretty good armor maybe on par with the PUMA

yeah but i cant catch exactly what’s exaclty different with the turret i think im just schizo

Looks different because its M2A2 which doesnt have CITV

It doesn’t have the Commander sight.

This is all missing

AH you got it, solved my dilema, now i can go in peace

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I guess this is where I disagree. I don’t like these “variety for me but not for thee” (or however you say it) situations. Because you know damn well that those people who are asking for “variety” for their tree now will fully fight other nations from getting vehicles from “their” tree.

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It is also missing its side ERA if that is what your thinking.

You’re replying to me, then instead inventing mystery other people to argue against. I never said or implied any such thing.

I have no “allegiance” to any tree, I play all three modes and (basically) all nations, and am always happy to see more variety within any tree. More is better. If something doesn’t interest me I can simply not play it.


Heck, the closest thing I have to a “main” tree is Japan within Naval, and just a few minutes ago I made a post in this very thread listing a bunch of ex-Japanese ships that could go to a Chinese Naval tree…


IFVs with junk/greeblies my beloved

also cursed warrior



That is a javelin. is that a Bradly

It’s not really mystery other people. This is a thing that constantly happens here. Mains from nation X request a vehicle from nation Y (through a sub tree) while fiercely fighting to prevent one of their vehicles from going to nation Z.

not really it was the turret, the side ERA well that wasnt really bothering me

Not me. Tho I’m anti-split-nations-up.

Dutch Ram IIs please Wait no that’s not a good example… Ah, I know Delfin to Italy when(it’s the Spanish used Golbins(Canada built Grumman FFs)). It’s not too outlandish as Spain can be counted under minor Axis but it’s not guaranteed they are.


This is exactly what I’ve been trying to say in an actually articulated manner :D