Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

When it released it only had 1 vehicle that coould be argued was C&P from a different tree.

I mean compare that to some of the new sub trees that have 1 unique vehicle. That is the reason the SA sub tree is the best sub tree so far imo.

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Odd, most disagree as they had domestic stuff that filled most roles. (heck ZA stuff felt like British stuff but on wheels (slow, not great) not exactly filling any needed light role(fast, good).

Everyone I’ve talked to it went like this:
Domestic > Dommion they are close to (Canada, Australia/New Zealand) > ZA > India.

You could say they didn’t want a sub-tree in the first place.

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for all of you guys arguing over India and stuff, just look here;

You see the sheer amount of vehicles in there? India isnt needed at all, hell even south africa is slightly redundant. However the truth is that South africa has brought a hell of a lot of unique vehicles, and can still bring a hell of a lot more.

As far as vehicles go, there should be 3 reasons why they should be added

  1. They fill a capability gap in said tree
  2. They are unique and interesting
  3. They played a key role in said nation/ have a massive amount of history (E.g British Tomahawks/Kittyhawks)

Whilst india has quite a few unique vehicles too, a lot of vehicles are also mainly copies, or licence productions of foreign vehicles, and quite a few of their unique stuff has little to no connection to britain at all


The VFM5 and original Warrior were added way before the Ratels

Oh I agree that british domestic vehicles should be priority. I just hate the idea of canada and australia as sub trees because it’s obviously only so that they can have C&P Abrams, Leopards and F/A-18s while being too lazy to grind the US/German tree.


“Laziness” is not a factor. Putting aside that WT is a very grindy, time-consuming game (especially top-tier), the main reason sub-trees are better is because it keeps every nation’s own vehicles grouped and able to be used together in lineups… instead of fighting themselves.

I would much rather see Britain get Canadian Leos and Hornets, increasing variety within the tree (within being what’s actually important, as it’s how lineups are made) and allowing those Canadian vehicles to be used together… as opposed to those Canadian vehicles being stuck fighting each other in different trees, and placed in trees where they’re barely a more than a novelty because those trees already have identical/near-identical vehicles.


I mean, as long as the grind stays as long as it is, people will always want said things in their main trees, it goes for every nation.

wether it be British, German, Japanese, Russian, etc. people will always want interesting vehicles due to how long it would take to get them Normally, and remember not everyone has the money, or the level of addiction to spend £75 on a digital vehicle when you can get a full triple A game for that price or countless smaller games


someone said interesting vehicles?


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I mean if Canada was added like ZA it would have been Canada’s domestic LAVs over Leo.

I would rather have a sub-tree in the UK tree where Canada makes sense than the status quo. (Tho I dislike the full concept of sub-tree with their current status quo, so unless they change how they work I don’t want any more added and would rather have independent trees for almost everyone right now.)

People will justify this with the treatment with “support nations” where all the nation’s tech will be premium and events costing those nations’ players hundreds of millions of dollars because they look down on these nations.

Well, I can’t speak for the ANZACs, Canada has the justification that almost everything it built was also meant to supply the British in WW2. Due to this everything Canada built had to be sent back and forth over the Atlantic for the British to test things this caused its own issues.

Is that a PUMA?

Yep, Puma S1/VJTF with Camo net


Is it really an addiction? I mean I spend money on the game but i’m not addicted. I’m not spending money I don’t have. I’m really hoping people aren’t spending money they don’t have on this game.

PUMA should stay in the German tree Imo, unless another country buys it.

Britain has its own IFVs such as CV90 FRES, Warrior CSP and Ajax that it can have instead

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PUMA S1 with cammo netting

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Dude I wish you could get camo nets for free like you can research them as a modification.

its not being sold to other countries due to it being subjected by contract with the german army, that’s why rheinmetall made the KF41, just to sell “another PUMA” to other countries but with much more stuff like modularity wich was the main sellpoint of it, also i put the PUMA S1 cuz it could be an interesting addition

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still, that level of money for a single vehicle?

even after spending it you still have to put the time and effort into getting any of the Tech tree vehicles you actually want, when you can get full games (plus all their DLC in some cases) for the same price or cheaper

Insert the recently France wheely boi

He didnt said they should get it, he meaned the part with the interesting vehicles