Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

You fail to understand how a sub tree works.

Well we would have rather had commonwealth but that would have upset Germany and the US players

Britain didn’t need another subtree at all. South Africa already provides more than enough to fill holes and add diversity.


Did it though

No, I fail to see why Russian crap has to be added to every single tech tree instead of adding domestic vehicles.

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We could also see earlier stuff, such as post-war reparations ships like Dan Yang (Yukikaze) and assorted others of the Nokaze, Akizuki, Matsu, Tachibana, Etorofu, Hiburi, and Mikura classes, among others.

Interestingly the Hiburi that went to China was Shisaka, the same one on a recent leak list.


SA added alot of junk, didnt fix the issues and gave Britain a Gripen.
out of the 20 or so SA vehicles the Gripen is the best, the premium Rooikat 105, Rooikat 76 is crap and the MTTD is Rooikat 105 with an autoloader.
The ZTA wheeled SPAA is nice.

There we indigenous vehicles Britain could have had to fill the gaps.

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I think we’ve all gathered that you’re rather… passionate about this topic by now. But constantly yelling stuff like this really isn’t helpful to this thread.

Are you a British player who would rather Gaijin added British vehicles or a Russian player that doesn’t want to see Britain steal Russian premium/event vehicles like the SU-30MKII?

The SA sub tree was one of the best sub trees to date. Of course british mains disagree because they just want to pick and choose top tier vehicles from the US and Germany in their top tier.


I don’t play USSR much, but both apply.

British vehicles should come first, then South African and export vehicles. India either should be its own thing or a support nation like Australia and Canada, so they don’t pollute a western TT with eastern stuff.


Exactly, I love the Concept 3, the Ratels, the Eland, the G6, the Olifants, the Rooikats, the Rooivalk and the ZA-35. I would love to see more South African vehicles, but apparently that’s too much to ask for.
The only vehicles from SA that I don’t really enjoy are the Bosvark/Ystervark and the Gripen, but that’s just personal preference.


It’s always nice to see a wider variety of vehicles in trees, both as it gives more varied lineup combo options and because it’s essentially a form of lessening the grind. :)

Yes as a subtree with unique vehicles its good.
However having lots of vehicles doesn’t mean they are good.

SA tree has a few playable vehicles the rest are terrible, and the addition of the RATELs delayed Britain getting a high tier light tank (as mid as the Desert Warrior is)

When it released it only had 1 vehicle that coould be argued was C&P from a different tree.

I mean compare that to some of the new sub trees that have 1 unique vehicle. That is the reason the SA sub tree is the best sub tree so far imo.

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Odd, most disagree as they had domestic stuff that filled most roles. (heck ZA stuff felt like British stuff but on wheels (slow, not great) not exactly filling any needed light role(fast, good).

Everyone I’ve talked to it went like this:
Domestic > Dommion they are close to (Canada, Australia/New Zealand) > ZA > India.

You could say they didn’t want a sub-tree in the first place.

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for all of you guys arguing over India and stuff, just look here;

You see the sheer amount of vehicles in there? India isnt needed at all, hell even south africa is slightly redundant. However the truth is that South africa has brought a hell of a lot of unique vehicles, and can still bring a hell of a lot more.

As far as vehicles go, there should be 3 reasons why they should be added

  1. They fill a capability gap in said tree
  2. They are unique and interesting
  3. They played a key role in said nation/ have a massive amount of history (E.g British Tomahawks/Kittyhawks)

Whilst india has quite a few unique vehicles too, a lot of vehicles are also mainly copies, or licence productions of foreign vehicles, and quite a few of their unique stuff has little to no connection to britain at all


The VFM5 and original Warrior were added way before the Ratels

Oh I agree that british domestic vehicles should be priority. I just hate the idea of canada and australia as sub trees because it’s obviously only so that they can have C&P Abrams, Leopards and F/A-18s while being too lazy to grind the US/German tree.