Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

What was the leak in question though?

damn makes me sad seeing the UK have 3 whole ships leaked and not a single one is a 15inch armed BB the only BB being Centurion and shes a dreadnaught with 13.5 inch guns

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initialy the hidden ship was placed in the brittish leaked assets yesterday

I swear if its something russian or german again im gonna be so sad

Hm, interesting. Might be ex-Royal Navy?

hmm maybe but what tho?

RTN does operate a Britain-built ship, the Makut Rajakumarn - armed with 2x 4.5in, sea cat launcher, and auxiliary weapons. It wouldnt be hard to put it in 4.7

Edit: This may be a strech but there is also the Chongqing, ex HMS-Aurora, Arethusa-class, which was already in the game.

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well now it could be anithing

Mainly because the AV-8s are overall less iconic than the F/A-18s.

France got themselfs a SK-105 after complaining loud enough and Germany got themselfs a promise that an uparmored Leopard would come soon after complained loud enough. What do you think will happen when an equally sized/bigger community that spends more money starts complaining loud enough.

could be cool, issue is it was only built by the uk and was never in royal navy service, we could get the Tribal class that is very similar just having one more Seacat launcher then it

heres a better image of HMS Zulu

I mean. The UK manufactures part of every F-35 fuselage and BAE pretty much designed the TF KAAN for the Turkish.

We are doing better than most other nations though I absolutely agree Japan brings some very valuable experience.

Germany received 2A7V because it was planned for that time. There’s no other reason

It’s a ifv in real life and it’s decent against light tanks. It has the same ammo as the wiesel afterall

tbf gaijin did cave and said that they were working on a better leopard after all the german mains complained about the PVO

Yeah but if Gaijin really cared enough about complains they would’ve given wedge armor to the PSO instead of making Germans wait another patch for 2A7V which was planned in advance as Smin stated on many occasions

Caracciolo would be a very good addition and long overdue after all those Bayern’s and truly on par with the main 15 inch superdreadnoughts of WW1.

But you are also correct that the Regia Marina did not really use prefix’s and the US only did it because the UK did.

I also really hope that Gaijin make an exception and add the Lyon class to the French, I know it was never built. But the plans are finished.

Just be grateful Centurion isn’t Orion and therefore doesn’t have the lightweight 13.5" and instead can take the Superheavy shells, like Queen Mary and Marlborough.

Not sure about Centurions engine placement though, the issue with Orion is that her engines peek out way above the waterline and can therefore all be taken out with a penetrating salvos to the main armour belt which cuts your crew in half, whereas on Marlborough they are closer to the waterline and much harder to hit.

Centurion is a KGV (1911) so comes between Orion and Iron Duke class’ but i’m not sure whether she is closer to Iron Duke or to Orion.

ok i had missed that

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just saying, but it was said multiple times already as well that the 2a7v was always already in the works and was coming.
Us complaining did nothing besides them revealing its coming soon, same with the gripen a/c for sweden etc