Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Not in real life, but, again, War Thunder is not real life.

SPAA designations are all over the place, things like the AMX10P that should be a “light tank” are an spaa and then things like the ADATS are for some reason a “Tank Destroyer” when their primary role is anti air


and thats your opinion

ADATS can effectively engage tanks unlike AMX-10P

War Thunder not being real life is a fact, actually.

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To be fair it and the SUB-I-2 have the same 20mm APDS as the Marder 1A3 at significantly lower BR. Or for an example that doesn’t have an ATGM, the RCV (P). Both of these are light tanks in game still, yet have worse anti armor capabilities for their BR than 5.3/6.0 “SPAA”.

Then again there is also no IFV class in game at all, throwing them in with light tanks.

yeah that is your opinion on a designation isnt tho lol

Classified as an anti Air and not very good at anything else. At least the larders get access to the Milan, which was (mostly) French developed under a Franck German project, which France don’t have access to in war thunder

Ehhhhh effective is a stretch now days, but it really should be moved to an SPAA, I dont see why it costs 320 SP to spawn in it 3rd when a pansir and kill most tanks from the side with its auto cannons and its classed as an SPAA and a far better one at that


Marder has ATGMs unlike SUB or AMX while RCV does excellent job as scout vehicle unlike SUB or AMX

Yeah, I believe Gaijins reason is gameplay. They wanted the ADATS to be more expensive for its anti tank capabilities, they wanted the AMX-10P and SUB-I-2 to be cheap and usable as SPAA line gap fillers. I just wish naming was separate from those gameplay classes, mainly because of the large amount of people getting all of their knowledge on these vehicles from War Thunder and could be misinformed and spread that even further.

tbf the only thing I have seen on an AMX10P with Milans is from WARNO I cant actually find any images irl so idk if it did mount them or not you would have to tell me

I mean yeah it should be changed to SPAA since thats its major role but still killing tanks with it on the range isnt an issue

Give them scouting and we’ll see. And like I said, the anti tank capabilities that the SUB and AMX enjoy at their BR more than make up for any mobility difference.

honestly I pray for an SPAA soon for the UK, and its not like we lack options

I’ll have to find the pictures, but Milan firing platform can and have been installed on both side of the back of the chassis, to be accessed by infantry from the back

Edit : and there are multiple potential platform, with or without ATGM, Milan or HOT, that are more than good enough to act as powerful IFV

they fricking removed the hidden ship from the naval british tree … , and made it a an unknown nation … , AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

the amount of work i put yesterday for that one specificly , all gone in one swoop

wait they did?

huh neat weird to have it on the back for infantry to use and not mount it similarly to the germans on the Marder but fair

end me