Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because something was bad in the past for one faction doesn’t mean we get anywhere near balance by intentionally making it worse for another. There is no benefit in revenge mentality, all it does is shift the problem elsewhere, where it can grow before coming right back.

What we should ask for instead is balance across all in game nations if possible, which it in this case is. It’s a 3 nation project, it should go to all 3.


That’s as much an IFV as the Wiesel 1A4 is.

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Issue is that possible tested stuff for Germany would be nothing more than F/A-18B without AIM-120.


would have been nice for more people to have that mentality when it was the UK and Sweden stuck with terrible aircraft for over a year if not 2

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the AMX10P is classed as an IFV irl

And War Thunder is not real life.

Well SUB I-II and ZSL92 as well. I think in the dev stream the BTR is meant to be an AA too, at 5.7 without APDS.

doesnt change the fact it is an IFV

Once again, War Thunder is not real life. The AMX-10P is not an IFV in game.

The BTR-80A was never going to be anything other than a light tank.

it is? like just because its at a far lower br does not change its designation

BR means nothing. Weaponry does.

its weird I think the BTR 82 is classed as an APC irl

ok? and its still an IFV like I dont get your argument here? is it because it doesnt get an ATGM? would you class the warrior without a milan not an IFV?

Once again, the AMX-10P is not an IFV in game.



Difference between BTR and these Japanese / French shitboxes is that BTR can actually move and serves great purpose of a light tank or scout vehicle hence LT designation in game

then tell me why it isnt an IFV, its not because the lack of an ATGM, its not because of its BR, like every other IFV in game it has the ability to carry troops and is armed with an auto cannon, I would love to hear why this french IFV isnt an IFV in game

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It’s not able to effectively combat armoured targets in any way. What makes an IFV an IFV in game is its support ability against armoured vehicles. The AMX-10P can’t do that, due to the small amount of damage and low pen of its 20mm gun. The Warrior would still be an IFV with its Milans, as the Rarden cannon has a good amount of pen, something that cannot be said for 20mm autocannons.

They are SPAAs are because the game lacks a feature of an in game SPAA class (low SP, artillery, scouting optional) to simply be named “IFV”, which is honestly a shame and I should really get around to suggest that so I stop seeing people call the M18 Hellcat their “favorite light tank”…

idk what to tell you then the lack of pen doesn’t change its literal designation lol you can choose to not see it as an IFV but it is one