Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Dreams come true type thing, imo it would’ve been less egregious to add than the Kungstiger but that can of worms is already open

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Also its highly unlikely to be swedish. I cant see them getting anything (like my finnish spaa truck) else other than the KV-1 1942 so another update i dont bother with sweden. Though ive got a few other things im looking for on my other nations.

Tbf there is that one Tiran, maybe the Tiran 5 or 6, that has Blazer ERA and that 105mm with the M111 round, that would be a cool and pleasant addition to the Israeli TT if you ask me.


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Oh boy, time to comment on old messages I feel like!

Among other things…




To be fair it is still essentially an airframe combining the best flight characteristics of the F-16 with massive lift and pitch authority akin to what would be found on F/A-18s. It’s a very interesting aircraft in its own right.

That being said, FS-X was going to be a lot more capable without US intervention. The Mitsubishi JF-210 was a twin engine canard fighter with multi array AESA and even RCS reduction that could’ve been comparable to lower end 5th gen/higher end 4.5th gen (depending on how you see it) Su-57 fighter, and that with an aircraft that would’ve flown in the early 90s.



pITPSaP (1)

Thailand does not, and never did operate Russian vehicles. Eastern BTR-3s and Oplot, but nothing Russian, and most importantly nothing that could end up in the Russian tree in the foreseeable future.

If I had to guess I’d say they might become Type 24 ICV and Type 25 RCV, with the ICV already being ordered (2024) and the RCV likely being ordered next year (2025) if testing is done at the same speed.

Of course that is only my speculation though.


Probably, I just remember from the CR3 TD that game file names tend to be a little bit dated. Which might be what the leak has recorded.

I was referring to mass production of stealth aircraft more than anything, it’s extremely valuable experience, considering the UK as only done mock ups, and iirc Italy hasn’t done anything of the sort really.


does that Tiran have a laser rangefinder? If so, it would be a great addition to my lineups.

Israeli Tiran TI-67 (currently in service in Uruguay) is stabilized, fires 105mm M111 rounds, has NVD, and features mounts for ERA. It sounds great for 8.7/9.0


Guess big
EF2000 DA5
10 characters
Also 10 characters

Little late to the party.

  • This variant has the XM914E1 30mm Chain Gun, a very similar gun to the one found on the Apache. It’s a beast. Capable of firing the same 30x113mmB ammunition as the Apache but uses the XM949 High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) and XM1198 High Explosive Dual Purpose Self Destruct (HEDP-SD). Also has the 2x AGM-114L Hellfire ‘Longbows’ or other variants of the Hellfire for air or ground use, and 4x Stinger’s.

Edit: Made a correction, the M230LF and XM914/XM914E1 30mm chain guns are very similar. Throws me off sometimes.

Tyhoon at Christmas maybe but not this update.

And what the DA5 fit as Britain and Italy would nedx there variants too

British and Italy already have top jets
DA series, DA5 began to be equipped with radars
The UK DA2 does not have a radar
The DA7 in Italy is as complete as the DA5 in Germany, but as I said, Italy already has JAS
At the moment, only Germany still does not have a top jet, and the two options are most likely luftwaffe

And Italy, Sweden, Israel are not short of jets

Bro are you saying only Germany deserves a JOINT project jet that they ALL made? This is why German mains have a bad reputation. “bUt GeRmAnY dEsErVeS iT mOrE” lmaooo


I would assume so, at the very least gaijin would likely give it a rangefinder. Most things around that time that had M111 or NVD usually had a LRF. Take a look at the Merkava Mk.1 in the American tree, the Magach 6M and later, or the Sho’t Kal Gimel or Dalet. I guess it just depends, but I have a feeling at the very least it will have a rangefinder.

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Just because a nation got jets doesn’t mean it shouldn’t miss out its own design.

They are British and Italian as much as German.

What would have happened if gaijin only gave the Tornado to Germany ?

Mains would riot


And yet these are the people they want gaijin to listen too because the games dying lmao

As I said, United Kingdom and Italy already have JAS39, and Germany is still using the old Phantom
The Eurofighter from Italy and United Kingdom can get a follow-up official model with Germany in subsequent versions
This is the best way to maintain the “national identity”.
Interesting, I think… If Germany gets the Switzerland F18, some people will have to complain: “Why give Germany a copy and not give it to me?”
As you say, I conclude that you have not finished grinding Germany, because you do not have enough experience to know at all what they lack

Wow lmao well a nation can get two top tier jets I mean china is getting at least 3 if not 4.

It doesn’t matter how many nations got what.
The typhoon will come the same way as the Tornados

Ita not just a toy for Germany


you can not seariously be suggesting that the UK and Italy dont get an EFT at the same time, especially when the the UK was the largest user of the EFT


Typhoon a total of 7 prototypes,
DA2 British In the early days, these two were still temporal avionics, engines, and equipment were changed after a certain number of test flights
DA3 ITA began to equip the EJ200
DA4 ITA two-seater
DA5 GER was equipped with radar for the first time, testing IRIST
DA6 Spa fell and later DA1 was transferred to Spain for use
DA7 ITA conducted a launch test of AMRAAM

As I said, the UK model does not have a radar, in fact, the United Kingdom does take one, but because there is no radar, AMRAAM cannot be used

Unless, tightly cover the direct launch of the official production model
However, as the list shows, there are no “riddles” in other countries that have been covered
These two options are most likely Germany’s, it is clear that only Germany does not have a top jet, I played all countries at the same time, and at the same time kept 7~8 countries in the air + ground mode top BR, so I know very well what they each need

Of course, as other players have said, these characters could also be Switzerland F/A-18C, and I like this too, but will anyone complain “Why did Germany get this?” "I don’t know, I guess they didn’t care when Germany was delayed a few years ago to get a version of the mig, because they didn’t grind Germany