Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Type-16ICV / Type-16RCV are both ten characters
Although technically the name should probably be CWTV ICV / RCV but that’s too short, Type-16ICV/RCV was an much earlier unofficial name, but we know what Gaijin are like with naming

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That a thought too,

So the guessed vehicles that fit so far,


F-5 [CHE]

Chinese list


Don’t like it, deal with it.

Plus it’s Hours not Houers and it’s what this thread is for so yea like I’ve said cope and deal with it.

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Doesn’t quite fit with how other vehicles are named in the game
Example: “Type 87 RCV”

That makes it 11 characters
Same would be for both mentioned Type 16s
“Type 16 ICV”
“Type 16 RCV”

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ah right 👍

Bro’s typing out an essay ?

Easy, this is just me when i try to be funny ( looks like iam not very successful)
Also since English is not my native language, grammatical errors happen from time to time.
Please dont report me to the Grammar police, my file is long enough there already :).


ah that all good my m8, I thought you was one of the hate deathmisser group because I tell the truth lol

My bad for the harsh reply

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Me, i could never hate you.
i rather take some popcorn and enjoy the heated arguments you got sometimes with these people XD
Thats some good entertainment.

well time to sleep a bit to gain the mental power for the 6th star later this day. o7


Yeah who cares about Japanese ground? All light tanks masquerading as mediums. Still keeping up the tradition on being able to be penned by the 75mm.

Lmao true

btw did you have a name change or was you name like this already ?


But But i care about Japanes ground and all the wanabe medium tanks they got and the future ones to come.


Since the beginning on the old Forum this was my name.
Unfortunaly the rang of Lt. as my namegiver had in RL when he was alive was already taken so i used Cpt. as he was promoted after his death.

Also RIP my old Profile Picture you will be missed




That’s fair, just that there was another guy with the same pic as you so I thought you two were the same.

But I was wrong. :)

It’s always nice to hear more people are coming out on my side than siding with the haters.


Some of your takes are questionable but that doesn’t mean people should hate you.

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Yeah i know there is another guy using this picture aswell and should be known like El Bananito(PilotPug010 now) or you.
he got these 2 Kanji/Russian letters i belive as name

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Ture tho that can be lack of info and copium as well as a tad hint of trolling

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Anyone know anything about potential Swedish Vehicles?
I know a KV-1 was mentioned, but from what I’ve heard it would be 5.0 with pen worse than an American 75 and a premium. Any thoughts?
Also at some point I feel like I heard something about a Stu 40 premium (stug 3 with additional concrete armor), but at this point I’ve been questioning my sanity a bit and feel I might have made it up. Thoughts?

IDK the sweetish doctrine never really adopted heavy tanks. It was more anti and light tanks.

yeah, but the Fins did capture and use Kv-1’s tho and that’s what I’m hoping to be added, preferably added to the tech tree, but also for the theoretical addition of the Kranvagn with either the proposed 105mm or the chosen 150mm, which is incredibly unlikely, but it was passed for consideration on the old forums and on this forum, so you never know.

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