Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

US got the F-15A while Israel and Japan got their Versions of the F-15 which were both to C standard if I’m not completely mistaken.

Yes but sweden did already have a JAS-39.

I do hope we could get the 3MA or dunna what variant of the Leopards, i don’t like the idea you sleep well ! :p

sweden got the JAS-39A at the same time as the UK got the JAS-39C.
But in that case both planes were identical. They gave the 39A everything that the 39C got

With something as prominent and powerful as a hornet it needs to come to the usa while other nations get things like the eurofighter.

most likely wont get the 3MA , has it’s leased by germany , dutch dont properly hown it unlike the 2A4, 2A5 and 2A6

They essentially made it a JAS39A+ with only real difference being cockpit

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All what you said stands
But take a good look at tech trees and you’ll notice that Germany is only one without a 13.7

Btw the tanks are 10 and it seems Chat GPT has picked the Panzer 68 & 87.

For Swiss tanks that fit the pattern of 10 letters, here are some options:

  1. Pz 68 – Short for Panzer 68, a Swiss tank with 10 letters if considering the full designation.
  2. Pz 87 – Short for Panzer 87, another Swiss tank model with 10 letters in its complete form.

Both of these tanks are notable in Swiss armored vehicle history and fit the 10-character requirement.

here is the actual list of the leopard’s you can expect to se to come for us Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) - #6571 by battlerog


tbf i admit it , wasn’t clear enough to me

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team america vomit GIF

Me personally I wish nations didn’t get high tier exports the same time as the mother nation. It does not make sense to me like I understand after a new generation of top teir comes along but until then I think it should stay with the mother nation. We shouldn’t have F16 vs F16 Vs f16 vs F15 vs Su27 vs mig 29 vs mig 29 vs f16. That’s why i’m excited for things like the F22 because there is no way any other nation can get that.

I understand that but it should get something germany made. Like the euro fighter.

I know this is a controversial take but that’s what I believe.

And you will end up in a US vs US MM or atleast US on both sides. So in the end its same :D

Eurofighter may be too powerful right now, at least in my opinion
Hornet, while it may carry whole lotta missiles is slower than F-16C. Then again, Gaijin can limit number of AIM-120s, so that it isn’t immediately overpowered with 10+ AMRAAMs

But you have to remember the f14 was added with very little competition it is that all over again we will live and get new vehicles.

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that will be funny