Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I mean if we want to assume something crazy
it could be CW for common wealth.

but that i do agree to

na doubt it

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Fair enough. Though I do think you mean the T-2 Early(which also was removed after just about 6 months).

You know what else fits 13 characters, that is if my understanding is correct and my counting still works

“F/A-18C [CHE]”

what is CHE

Yeah, your count is correct.
Though we are all kind of doubting that.

CHE is the 3 character code for Switzerland

(Somehow) Short for Switzerland

That makes zero sense but ok

i sleep well in the knowledge its a copy paste 2a6

(was talking about the T-2 , missclick)

You should be happy about it, since france is finally getting some capable MBTs worth playing :P

it comes from the latin Confoederatio Helvetica or Helvetic Confederation.
And Helvetic comes from a Gaulish Tribe that lived in the area of modern Switzerland before the Roman Era.


puts on a tinfoil hat
Maybe but hear me out…
Germany doesn’t have pure top tier jet, F-4F ICE is 13.3
Now, Gaijin did add a vehicle to export nation before primary nation user (example is F-5A/C) in the past
So, in order to give Germany a 13.7 (top tier) jet, 13.7 Swiss F/A-18C is added
US (and potentially other users) gets the Hornet in December update
removes the tinfoil hat


CHEese munchers? that works for me

or… or…
Gaijin gave other Nations the C Versions of F-16s and F-15s while the USA got the A version so maybe F-18A for USA and F-18C for Germany? and Sweden. And Italy. And Britain.

Why not the same time or the usa first. I understand balance but it is a US made aircraft it belongs in the US tech tree.


They will most likely want to make Hornet nation-time-exclusive as they did with AV-8B+

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I’m going from the previous cases
F-5A/C is one I remember the most
Other plausible one is JAS-39C. Remember that UK got it before the Sweden did?
Plus, US has two 13.7s.

So, something like F-16ADF? Unannounced but still got added on main release?

And forgot that one. Good one.
For quite some time, AV-8B+ was only in Italian tech tree