Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

we are speculating and guessing what is behind the hidden vehicles at the bottom

You have to assume it can be any country because they shorten the name sadly

Well with the lack of anything german im gonna guess that lol

Could be the Apache Longbow for the helicopter

Could be boxer

I doubt it because both the UK and US would get it

Yes, it would either be Germany, Sweden, Italy or Israel because the other nations are there.
We(I) think that it’s most likely Germany. Gszabi also said something about the names being longer and it having to do something with what’s at the end of some other names.
That’s why we think it’s a foreign/sub plane.
[XXX] would be 5 characters at the end of the names.

will say tho the Helicopter seems to only be 2 letters so I assume the UK

This is planes only.
There’s another section for ground and Germany and the Boxer is there

Yes but US would fit in the top one so would UK and the longbow would fit correct?

having them seperated would mean F-5E [CHE] premium ?

Or US it would need to go to both if it goes to the UK since it is a US design.

All thoses leopards…


team america vomit GIF


Possible I mean the F-5 airframe like to be event, SV and premiums lol

I can’t really imagine them introducing a new Rank 7 Premium when we got the Tornado WTD61 not even a year ago.
I think it would make more sense for Germany to get a Rank 8 Premium like everyone seems to be getting and a Swiss F-5E would definitely not be a Rank 8

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the US is labelled as the USA above so I doubt they are the helicopter one

ohhh yeah sorry.

Was hoping for the Longbow so kinda ignored that part

dont worry, tbh Im guessing its the Super Hind Mk3,or well I hope because the Indian Mi35M is well just an Indian Mi35

HUM HUM , T-2 EARLY (Update “Fire and Ice”) and F-4EJ Phantom II ADTW (Update “Apex Predators”)
(not the same rank , but same thing)