Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Realistically speaking it would be a subsonic AIM-7F slinger.

I guess based on how well the vehicle does with sales? that might be one of the reasons.

Perfect for the British tree

Can it use AIM-9M?

Subsonic? Am I missing something? It can reach Mach 1.8

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Yeah, F/A-18A could carry 9L and 9M and 7Ms


Anyone know if the A-10C can carry 9Xs. Would be interesting to see if they decide to introduce a new sidewinder like the did with the 9L and the A models.

I mean I could see a nurffed Norwegian F-16 or a F-5 being added as a premium to Sweden.

Just no. We are not getting 9X yet.

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They aren’t adding 9Xs yet.

depends on loadout and altitude.
On sea level and 10 AMRAAMs - yes, kinda of subsonic, while you have full loadout
not sure thats true for 18A with sparrows

The F/A-18A is sparrows only

Also, they aren’t adding these ridiculous AMRAAM loadouts

I should say that for me props and early jets are way more interesting than anything top tier, I don’t really enjoy ARH gameplay.

F-16 [NOR]

Like I could see that for the 10th letter for the air one.

Sweden would deserve a better top tier premium but there was stuff about the premium JA37D right?
Or was that completely debunked?

I completely agree that 9Xs aren’t needed on any fighters but previously they have released the brand new IR missiles (9L and R73) and attackers first

I wa t more ww2 tanks and early cold war and then for air i want trainer jets and early 70’s stuff. Gnat, Hawk, F35(DK)

Idk but the F-16 [NOR] seems to fit if it is for Sweden.

The A-10C is just gonna be a shitshow, its not getting 9Xs or anything special A2A wise

With full A2A load F/A-18A couldnt reach mach in level flight.