Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

oh yeah no same thing happened in the UK, retiring all the remaining bucs in 1994, then the jags in 2007 and then the harriers followed soon after in 2010 and the carriers they were on soon followed as well, I wouldnt be surprised if the 60 active EFT we lost were to budget cuts as well

oh damn didnt know that, from what I heard the germans were meant to be upgrading their planes to the trenche 4 standard

Perhaps it’s the case.

For the whole fleet of 10 EFT XD

supposedly 34 are meant to be upgraded but if those numbers are true they may struggle with that

hehehe its not that easy

35 Tranche 2 and 3 will be set aside to be rebuild into Typhoon ECR, once that project is finished

the Tranche 1 block 1s were already sold to austria, in a downgraded form

the remaining few shall be upgraded to Tranche 4 and in addition they ordered a few new Tranche 4 and some Tranche 5 once that is finished

You forgot to mention how Sweden gets better French 155mm HE than France…


Damn didn’t know that. On the Bkan ?

Another French things in other TT but not France i guess.

This list is longer than my arm

wouldn’t it be funny if all NATO 155mm SPHs got acess to all in game NATO 155mm shells?

as is IRL

Would be nice for a start that a nation can use it’s own shells before others, but naaah devs have not sweden in favorite it’s only a lie, don’t look at the dev saying it love this country.

Can’t wait to see Leopards and Abrams using French SHARD but France stay with OFL F1 that is an obsolete shell for the service of the last leclercs.


On the VIDAR. Have to roll out the red carpet for Sweden (as always), y’know?


It’s even better for selling like hotcake a disgusting premium that is way low in BR for what it is.

155mm OE F3, you’r right, we don’t even have that xD
155mm Obus Explosif. Damn i can understand Swedish !

I meant unique as we have China, Russia and the USA that give us something different, the rest will be the same as of now, unless Italy and JP and UK(?) proceed with their project.

they wanna, the US is just being a drama queen and problematic

if you mean 5th gens then no pretty much all the F35s are the same if you mean 6th gens then yeah no those will be a lot more unique with Britain developing the tempest project that I believe Italy bought into, japan worked on their own F-X program but to cut cost the two projects were combined to form the GCAP programme

I’ve seen some stuff on X recently, looks cursed and i love it.

still a question if the FACS goes trough and germany doesnt jumo sjip to the tempest

I know… i said that thankfully Russia, China and USA have other 5th gens

true last I heard the french german programme was in a deadlock with the 2 companies arguing over what each side wants, only hope is if germany does join they dont try and dictate what the fighter is going to be

honestly its a big question for us why france and germany even still engage in development together…


They changed the design a little compared to the starting idea if i’m not mistaken.
(also seems like UK’s new PM isn’t keen on continuing with the project?)