Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

it never goes well lol, it honestly seems like you guys do it just to get the basic Idea set down

you will learn a lot of Britain’s military projects get canned by labour so uh yeah new labour government just pray they dont can this one when it seems to be going really well

Really good question.

Must for for this stupid “us together = Europe strong” BS things.

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Well, I looked into quickly and it seems that the devs modelled a Norwegian shell and then called it “OE 155 F3” for whatever reason lol.

The Norwegian shell in question: 155 mm High Explosive Extended Range - Nammo | Nammo

Furthermore, a cursory google search comes up with no results for OE 155 F3. I guess the devs just made that name up. Their stupidity never ceases to amaze me.


Yeah, they also seem to be very keen on relying on US stuff right?

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honestly, a diverse line up in europe better shows of strengths in my opinion, additionaly it makes nobody dependend and each aircraft might better in specific situations so we can cover for each other

pretty much they would rather take the cheaper route even if it isnt future proof, which is the issue the UK has been having where a lot of our projects dont want to spend a ton of money so instead are playing catch up to everyone else instead of actually trying to look to the future

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At least when it comes to Italy we have severe issues with public opinion, most people think that it is useless to spend on military related stuff, resulting in cuts from military spending in general.

It’s going to be impossible to export like the Typhoon it will be more expensive per unit than the US offerings.
It’s going to use technologies and parts that the US consider are ITAR. It’s a pipe dream

thats a least a saving grace in germany for ground development, with germany having 2 major industries from the start we are covered no matter how the ground mgcs tank project goes


And we could stop losing time and money if some people don’t know what they want and all what is happening is more drama.

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problem is rather they know what they want, but both parties want completly different things

I doubt they would export, i think they would first use it for their own militaries and maybe when production becomes efficient they might export?

You depend a lot of USA tech buddy x)

yeah its why I hope labour wont prove to do labour things and proceed by cutting every project the army, air force and navy are working on

Same things end of the day.

Both country are capable of making cool things.

Sure the idea to build both something can be good but if what happen everytime is cost, overdue things, and not the same idea in head, it’s useless from start even if the “picture” is good.

pretty much which results in us not being able to export a lot of our gear because the US will get pissy

100% the reason.

Also them recording everything what people does with their tech…

Totally allies way of act xD

But you guys developed the amphibious part of the F-35 so congratulation, nice work on that!

(it’s a joke don’t hurt me :p)


They have to be able to export it to recoup the monstrous development costs

lol no worries like when the US lost their own F35 after the pilot ejected because they couldn’t track where it went

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