Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Sadly there wasn’t, at least in complete state
There were few under construction in various stages of completion before P.1154 was axed

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Sad, I love those VTOL/STOL Prototypes from the early cold war

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so would I but considering gaijin refuse to actually call the late the variant that it is, we probably wont see the super modern one with ASRAAMs and AIM-120C5s, tbf we could probably see it at 14.0 when we get things like the EFT and Refale with their early weapons


that a VTOL Mirage?

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Indeed :)

very early EFT and Rafale are like literally the next logical step in top tier Air

a Block 1 EFT would right now be only slightly superior to the current top Jets

it could come with the AAMs we already have and it can even be a step back as it lacks Sensor suite, HMD and MAWS


Dassault really loved making cool Mirages. They is also swingy Mirage


Dunno if really early Eurifoghters or Rafales would be that interesting.

I think it’s better to start on a “good” variant that is capable, no ?

oh god a french Tornado


Indeed, Mirage G, and before the F-14 afaik !

yep , still the fastest one to this day (although it was never armed , only planned armement) . yes the F-35 is slower


yep and all 3 nations that use the EFT used the Block 1 so it would give them all competitive weapons, later modifications could come with the block 2 and block 5 having better weapons with ASRAAM and I-RIST and ground weapons

yea but see the rest cannot compete with Eurocanard supremacy

we can’t just give them F-35 and Su-57 and hope they get a chance, it’d just be unfair… for them


the Germans only started to have ground weapons on Tranche 2 Block 10s

Did the rest cared about us when they were the meta for years ?

Let the Eurocanards be the Meta now ! :D

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speed isnt super important in the modern day since prolonged time in mach can damage the radar absorbent coating on the planes, so makes sense lol

they will inevitably be

after all they to this day are the best Fighters that have been created

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oh rip I know the UK had them on the FGR4 which I think was first made on Block 5s