Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The dream. I’d kill for the Vulcan. But I get the concerns for it. It would not be fun to grind through or even stock grind. Premium vehicle maybe?


Eh, I’d honestly put it roughly on par. As far as I’m aware the Hawk-200 turns much, much better than the gen one harriers. You’re essentially getting a slightly weaker F-16 radar in exchange for actually being able to turn. + slightly better missile selection (4 ARH + 2 IR). Defensive kit wise it’s compatible with all the usual suspects, it’s got a block of flares and chaff on the v stab root, & has a Sky Guardian 200 RWR.
+ we can argue it’s got Aim-9M compatibility via the Finnish Mk.60 running them. Or give it Li :shrug:

edit: and remember the Hawk-200 should have a much cooler engine that the Shar, which would 100% help with flaring over it

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Outside of VIFF, probably does, though Im not sure it has much better energy retention (genuinely dont know, but heard its not that great) and I dont think it has quite the same acceleration. Im also not sure what its flat-line top speed is like, though comprable to the FA2 in a dive.

Didnt realise it would have that combo. Thought 2-4 IR and 2 ARH. So if it can get 4x AMRAAM then that would alleviate some concern for it.

Amount is my main concern, if its 60-80 it could have a hard time.

Didnt it have something wierd like it could have RWR or radar but not both or something? I Feel im probably miss remembering something, but there is an itch in the back of my head when it comes to the RWR on the Hawk.

Tornado F3 AoP technically shouldnt have Aim-9M but instead ASRAAM. SAAF Gripen should have IRIS-T not Aim-9M. I think BAE Hawk 200 having Aim-9M instead of ASRAAM isnt anything new.

This is true, providing the Hawk doesnt have wierd thrust curves.

The finnish MK 66 only has them after modifications were done to the mounts to carry them. Same thing goes for the R60’s, it would have to be added to them under a pretense of balance. (Like saaf gripen) Since iirc the modifications done increased weight on the pylons.


Heres a finnish MK 66 with R60’s

While the Fins may not have the most unique or advanced hawk id argue they have the most interesting Mk 66 model

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JDS Ayanami is a wonderful ship at the end of the line for coastal Japan. The research to get there is crazy, but the ship is my go-to SKR and close-range DD killer.

Is it only the hawk 200 that gets CM?

Im not sure, I will be honest, the Hawk is something im not overly familiar with @Rileyy3437 Might know though

Yeah i believe only the 200 has CM, i couldn’t find them bei g ised on any other models so big rip

This thing can pack. Armed with AIM-9M’s (not that it should get them if it doesn’t even have any CM’s, AIM-9J’s and R-60’s are plenty).

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It can have flir or Radar. RWR is as standard.

A fair number of the hawk 100s and pretty much all the 200s. The Early hawks have them as requested by customers, although I’m not sure if the RAF made such a request.



Note the box above the tail pipe at the base of the v stab.

Ones without will have a sloping piece there instead



Probably get away with the F-5C argument that the wiring and such is still there.

Iirc the turning graphs are in the hawk 200 suggestion thread if you understand them.

Mach .8 level flight and 1.15 in the dive iirc


That’ll be what I was mis-remembering

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Np, happens to the best of us


Now that I think of it-

The leak list has 22 vehicles + French Coastal, which will have around 20 more vehicles. That’s a total of 42 vehicles already

Does that mean that the leaklist pretty much contains every vehicle on the update already? Since 40 vehicles is already on the usual range for major updates.

Maybe there could be up to 10 additional vehicles, in which case I wonder which these would be…


How reliable is the leaklist?

(also can you post it again please so I dont have to go scrolling for it :P )

This leaker has a 100% accuracy and reliability history! (Except for A6ESWIP, which is a running gag lmao.)


Source: Yukari33的贴吧


Ah, I have seen that one before.

HMS QE would be nice and long overdue.

The other GB item is suspected to be the Cheatah right?

A bit of a boring update from my PoV, but thats what happens when you only play 1 nation I suppose (though am working on France Air) . SU-24 might mean Tornado finally gets some TLC though as Soviet aircraft usually come with new mechanics that get filtered down to others eventually.

But looks like the most im hoping for is old stuff to get finished (or at least worked on) this update. Like the SHar and Tornado.

I play many nations and trees and I am not too particularly excited either, hahah. I guess my preferences are too specific!

From this list, I am looking forward to some stuff, but some concerns hinder my ability to be hyped entirely:

-USS Tennessee… but not too much, since Naval is an absolute broken mess so I always end up leaving it.
-PUMA S1… but Spikes, its whole selling point, being utterly broken and useless… is definitely a turn-off.
-KV-1 (1942)… but only if it’s 4.3 at most. If it turns out to be 4.7, just like ZiS-5, I won’t even bother to look at it.

So… yep, not too much going on for me as of now :/

I am happy about the ZTZ-99A remake, though! Even if I won’t be able to get it anytime soon.

All in all, I am looking forward more to roadmap additions, mechanics and sound/graphic updates than vehicles as of now; as well as potential bug fixes regarding modern MBTS (like the ZTZ-99A rework… but now do that with the Abrams, the Merkava, the Leclercs… etc, please xD)


would be nice ig? personally ive been hopeful for another cvrt

I really hate that grind lmao, im at rank 5 and im already bored of the F1C-200 the radar is so painful. I just want to reach my goal of the Mirage 5BA already. I mean I found jpn less annoying to grind, though tbf that might just be me vibing with the T-2 early more than anything.

Might be, I dont know a lot about it. but would rather take the Hawk or Gnat if we are getting a lower BR filler. But does bodge the hole between the FRS1e and the Phantoms/F3 I believe with a super-sonic fighter, so would actually fill one of the only holes in our TT that needs something non-British to fill.

Cope is real :P

Bought it on the sale and yeah, its fine but does have it flaws (radar is a bit meh and the RWR sucks for its BR). Just doing the odd Sim match in it. Its ideal on certain rotations where Britain doesnt have anything that good at the top of the bracket. But has decent teeth and a nice multirole payload

I hope it isnt Cheetah but if it is eh