Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

We always aim to strike a balance. But there must always be some worthy and rare prizes of some kind for those that really earn them in hard fought battles. The Hawk family as a whole has plenty of obtainable variants across many nations that people can experience. So the one rare version of it does not detract as a whole from that. This is generally better and more ideal for a prize like that rather than something totally unique.


So does that statement also extend to the KV-1B?

Just asking that way i can stop hoping(copium) every update.

As a whole I do agree, I hope the smiley got the tone across.

While in an ideal world a new player could start today and unlock/buy every single vehicle that’s ever been in the game… it’s not a realistic ideal for WT as it exists. I would definitely much rather “copies”/etc be time-locked than unique things, and it does actually feel like the devs have been doing a good job moving in that direction.


Hopefully one day us console players get an equivalent to the market. Us Xbox players never even had a chance at anything before mid-2018. :(


Rip ever getting my Hawk :(



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Speaking of Hawks:

Any chance we might see it sooner rather than later?


Hes gone, i mentioned the KV-1B lol

Hes run away


I want the silly little subsonic murder plane

I used to have Finnish roundels on the French one… but for some reason roundels are tree-locked, so they vanished once Finland became a sub-tree.

Why are they even locked when SB is the only place it matters? Surely having some sort of SB-specific decal restriction would be far better for the general playerbase.

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Yeah, would be an excellent addition whilst we wait for Typhoon.

Not sure which BR i’d hope for, though I hope we get more than 1 variant (and thus BR) for it very quickly.

9.7 ish with SRAAM would be really fun so would 11.0/11.3 with 9Ls and Skyflash

I’d quite like a later one with all the bells and whistles too, (ASRAAM & AMRAAM etc etc)

I dont think it even really matters in ASB. By the time you get close enough to start worrying things about roundels surely you’d have markers appear anyway


I have no clue why they lock roundels

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Yeah, though without ASRAAM (so Aim-9M and AMRAAM) it could be an even worse FA2, as it would have a weaker radar and im not sure what its defensive kit is like.

We need Gnat also

Yeah, that would be fun for 9.0 ish

Australian f111 more likley. and on the parallels to the f16aj, 2 F111K’s were built but not finished kinda better than some dude at general dynamics made a brochure and also more real than the kronstadt

F-111K (as an Event or SQV) or even the TSR2 (TT, SQV or Premium) would be great additions for Britain.

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It is extremely unlikely for britain to receive a F-111

Where are my V-Bombers?