Do y'all think we will get "submarine battles"?

nah, at least for the WW2 era

can only think of a british submarine kill on a german u-boat not far from norway

lots more on battleships, cruisers or aircraft carriers though, so submarines would have to stay in a game mode with other classes of ships, subs only won’t work

I hope they add subs cause I want the Gato class submarines for the US

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they already textured the sea bed for most maps

there’s without a doubt been at least one sub v sub battle, that’s a given but any more that one would be a lot less likely

I hope so. Submarines are cool and criminally underrated.

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depends what you call textured

the depths look like this currently :

Uploading: 2fbb9f58-597a-4829-a591-1de5009daa4d.mp4… I had a video but its too big apparently?

but the video would show that the sea bed was textured with sea shells and stuff (and I landed near a island so it didn’t seem as deep but still.

yeah near islands there are some corals and it looks pretty good

deeper, not so much, although there’s technically a “floor”

Personnaly I really hope to see the French Surcouf


Sub vs sub? I can only recount 3 times. Two i ww1 and One in Ww2.

ww1: Italian submarine F-12 sunk Austrio-Hungarian submarine U-20 with a torpedo when U-20 was recharging its batteries.

ww1: U-27 sank the British E3 while it was on patrol with a torpedo.

ww2: HMS Venturer sank U-864 in the only underwater Torpedo attack of the war.


I dont think we’ll get subs for a long time tbh. Naval is still a shit show and they don’t know how to make it more fun so more than myself and 7 other players routinely play.

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I Don’t play navy but I’m sure Subs will destroy the navy game like Helicopters ruin GRB. Having played Silent Hunter 3 I just don’t see what is PVP about sub warfare.

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Subs are slow and only use torpedoes. I don’t think it would destroy the gameplay. + we got a lot of sub hunter in the game


got to disagree

The WoWs submarine balancing thing should be thrown out of the window when talking about their implementation in WT.


Subs in General are Really slow when submerged clocking in at about 10kph on avg in ww2 (Japans midget kamikaze Sub could go like 30 though) but being as you would need a destroyer/Frigate/Sub Chaser to knock them out it would be Really difficult at top tier to Rock paper scissor them since Destroyers turn into a Wet paper bag at 6+ Br and getting close enough to kill the subs would be difficult for them.

Sub warfare would be about knocking out the bigger ships…silently. sneaking past the line and getting shots on the big boy BBs since only things that can routinely knock them out is other BBs and Twell placed torps and maybe…just maybe…take out those pesky Island camper cruisers.

Yeah but when they’re submerged they can’t do anything about planes.

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Or the “Sub Battles” could be like the Naval’s nuke but as a sub?

i mean thats just par for the course. whats a submerged WW2 sub supposed to do vs a plane? they usually had a deck gun but thats it for even real life and we all play this because its more “realistic”.

Submarines are painful for everyone. Large surface ships lack anti-submarine capabilities and will have difficulty engaging submarines when the surface battle is over. Destroyers and frigates had to wait for the surface engagement to end before they could safely attack the submarines. Teammates must endure the inability of one or more submariners to contribute to the battle for five minutes or more into the battle. For submarines, most World War II torpedoes take between 2 minutes to reach 5-6 km in AB mode, and about 5 minutes in RB mode. At the same time, it may take them more than three minutes to get into the attack position.