Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Does warthunder mobile have any exclusive maps?

They don’t really do the 50% off thing often, at most 1 or 2 times in a year outside of the normal sales. The 50% off for the Tornado was actually a first ever for such a high rank plane being on sale outside of an event…

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2019 article
I think this may be a bit outdated

I guess we can skip any other points to my argument because you simply fixated on the term france

The F15C is still far better then F16 so no really compared to sweden having the second best line up at top tier

and is that statement wrong? please do tell me how sweden doesnt have the 2nd best line up at top tier?

Guess thats a preference thing, i dont care for sweden top tier. I prefer japan because of mobility and fire rate(also the suspension controls make for very good positions)

Because top tier isnt their entire TT and every nation has strong BR’s?

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Do we know the state of underwater terrain on current map already ? If it’s enough for submarine gameplay or if there is “nothing” underwater ?

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its not even preference statistically they have the 2nd best line up in the game and thats an undeniable fact

I wont deny their lineup is definitely the best 2nd or third but its not my main pick. Id rather play nations with high mobility and reload over armor.

With how many times I see ship wrecks half sticking out of the water. I doubt it at the moment

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yet top tier is where most discussions happen now days and is defiantly gaijins focus, which makes it even funnier that this random nation that got added 2 years ago has already completely out done every other nation added before it except russia

depends on the map

it’s mostly flat ground though

open ocean maps have nothing under though, water to infinity (good luck to everyone with thalassophobia)

the test drive map has a flat 200m sea floor, while it gets shallower around the islands


All thanks to mainly modified stuff from other country, not even domestic MIC.

Make them pass in WT as more powerfull nation than some others xD

That’s the point i’ve always found terribly stupid and make me don’t like all that modern Copy Pasta in WT.

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So what other BR’s are they good at since the argument that they are only good at top tier?

Id say 8.0, 8.7, and 10.0+ but i mean if thats the price to be only good at those BR’s it seems like a fair trade.

oh one more thing to note, the visibility underwater seems a bit too bright, but not too far off from reality

700m is very dark and even at 150m the lack of light can be “felt”

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i am suprised the RAFALE didnt even make the list @Hyrikul

besides that the article is from freaking 2019

and the UK cant even get a single competitive sub tree for top tier and when we do finally get a some what competitive tank its nurfed almost instantly the report is made


Thats the same with Benelux and F16’s and a lot of copy paste. The problem is a lot of those better models are outdated if we follow irl time and not warthunder balancing.