Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Did somebody said F/A-18?

and thats an issue how? not every nation is gonna have a blue water tree, or rather yet whats wrong with sweden having a very limited heli tree? for the longest time a lot of nations had 3 to maybe 4 helicopters

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I have had the opinion that trial vehicles shouldn’t be a one nation case but rather if a nation has literally nothing then yes they should be added. Germany has nothing rn for air so they should get something. Does britain have this need for air or helis, eh probably not. Does japan yeah actually they got the f16AJ which is more BS then a real vehicle existing but i didn’t complain about it. They needed it

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Oooo more Naval maps! The choke point one (#3) and billions of tiny islands one (#4) would be hilarious, I’d love a tank version of Norway, and Siegfrield Line looks neat too. :)

The problem is gaijin. They would rather have a full line with a premium heli than have one that has nothing to offer since everyone only plays top tier i wouldn’t have cared regardless. I dont use helicopters outside of memeing with friends.
Not everyone would share my opinion if their nation didnt get a heli tree

the 4 years the uk was stuck with the FGR2 as their best jet >

Don’t say Poland is looking to buy one lol

Again my definition of when a nation needs trial isnt gaijins

There’s no double standard, as both would be viable for inclusion in WT.

Just because a nation could get something doesn’t mean that they will, and that’s not any sort of double standard.

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I wonder if the new naval maps come with the underwater terrain / bathymetry already modelled, considering submarines might be not too far off now


Sweden: didnt have a full helicopter tree so they added two trial helis, and a trial tank because it had a theme to pair with the mi 28.

Japan: had nothing except a brochure magazine and were given a fictional f16. Or the R2Y2’s and Ho Ri because they needed stuff at that BR.

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That’s an interesting question, I wonder if we’ll see that start to roll out and/or be updated beforehand.

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yet you know we look at sweden getting trailed vics like the T80U when they dont need it, its clear they have a favourite, because please name me another nation in game that got added and immediately eclipsed 2 of the big 3

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Oh no

do I hear another swedish sub tree that will get of their trailed planes added?

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one thing i know for sure, current map have the terrain modelled to a certain extent, but not on the entire map

take midway for example : around the island it is correctly modelled (although low poly), then once it gets further it goes down to a flat 750m deep

then once very far, it seems like the ocean’s floor is not modelled at all

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Depends this is a ground thing. If we go air i guess you could say Benelux, they did just get the best f16’s out of everyone.

For ground you could say sweden because they got armored leopards and dont use non armored versions.

Naval i have no clue.

Viewing the whole of WT through a purely “top-tier Ground RB” lens tends to lead to statements like this…


That’s what i said.

But giving something to a nation that have nothing to do with except few trials (not even done by itself) is also stupid.

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