Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Dope, as i said i didn’t say german players photoshopped. Though it wouldn’t suprise me if it was because players do that. Thanks for the link though

i only answered to your statement that sweden has its own armor package, when in fact is partialy the same one

First appearance is in 2014, from some greek site.

I’m still sure it’s something that bring better to the TT than the VBCI 2 30.

We still have not seen any other VBCI outside Gaijing pulling us the less know variant.


That’s called balance, should the best armoured, highest mobility best optics also get the best round?
Apparently so

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I will blow an absolute FUSE if Warspite of all ships is added as an event.

Gaijin you still have time to undo such an absolute travesty. I do not think I can emphasise enough how insulting that would be.

Making Renown an event was bad enough, but at least in-game she is not ‘good’ or ‘meta’, this would be one step too far that any British naval player cannot ignore.

Particularly as there are other ships, modelled in the files, that do not take away from their respective trees the way Warspite would do from the UK, both in symbolism and in substance

There are several reasons why HMS Warspite should NOT be anything other than tech tree.

Firstly, the UK has already had a capital ship be an event, this was HMS Renown.

HMS Renown, the only one of the Renown class Battlecruisers to receive a full refit. Nations which have not had event capital ships are:

USSR (Oktober Revolution would be an appropriate candidate), Italy (They could recieve Guilo Cesare), and France (they could give a Bretagne class).

The UK has already paid its debt with a high value ship as her sister is not only not in game, she is also flat out worse no matter which way you could ever spin it.

Secondly, there are no other Queen Elizabeth class Battleships in-game right now

no ship class should ever be added solely as an event if there is not an alternative in the tech tree, Britain has no tech tree alternative. Hell Britain does not even have 3 7.0 ships (I know France is worse off but this is our moment).

Thirdly, Warspite is an ***incredibly historic, famed and renowned vessel***

HMS Warspite is an integral part of British naval history and should be preserved for ALL who are willing to dedicate time to the British grind in the British Naval Tech Tree as a researchable vehicle. It is unthinkable that you could be so tone deaf as to make her an event.

Fourthly, Warspite is the only ship of the Queen Elizabeth class to receive **a truly unique refit**

All other Queen Elizabeth class Battleships were refitted with a secondary battery of 4.5" guns, these are best used as heavy AA, Warspite however is unique with both 4.5" guns as heavy AA and secondaries, in addition to 6" guns which were retained and would make her the only QE class ship with this unique refit.

Respectfully, there is only so tone-deaf that Gaijin could be as to add Warspite as an event after already ahistorically representing the Royal Navy in so many other ways.

I plead in all players of any nation with any care about history to please support or parrot the message that Warspite CANNOT be an event.

On this day 76 years ago, HMS Warspite was the first to fire on D-Day. What  a beauty. : r/WorldOfWarships



Afaik most are here no ?

I played a few destroyer which have useless depth charges of all sorts (the ones that jumps on the side, and the ones that roll behind, don’t know the exact terms)

A few things are missing, like depth setup and sonar mechanic but other than that…

As for the torps, i don’t expect them to be that more useful than on current destroyers, they would be very situational i’d guess

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Prolly cause the original MEXAS-H is over 30 years old by now, Leopard 2A7V uses a newer version.

Should the 2A7 get the most powerful shell and the armor?

Reports have been made, bickering here will not affect the dev’s decision about armor fixes.

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not compared to a leclerc, no


Oh lol, even better.

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@Gotchaツ we would have no problem with that, if gajin openly stated this to be the case, instead they refuse to acknowledge it

thats the issue. Not mentioning how sweden still gets "favoured " at the end of the day

i think that thats not how physics work, especially not with energy and subsequently energy transfer.

with a redesigned projectile maybe, DM73 doesnt have that
its all done with chamber pressure and velocity.
achieving the same penetration 1,2 clicks further is nothing to laugh at, especially with a dart thats 25 years old.

Nice French flag on thoses turret, don’t mind if i want it now ! :p

Joking aside i hope things gonna look better for your navy.

(I never thought I’d say that to an Englishman one day, I’m going to wash my tongue out with bleach now)

the 2a7v is a good bit heavier as a 2a4, the transmission of teh 2a7v was modified to ahve a slower top speed in favour of the 2a7v once again receiving the acceleration of the 2a4

I wish we had a poll where we can select the top 5 vehicles we want for each nation.

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That was a truly incredible 3 hours worth of posts to read without even a single offical announcement

Popcorn GIFs |


2A7V should, +/-, accelerate as well as the early 2A4 so ~6 - 6.5s for 0 - 31kph, which is roughly on par with S21s 0 - 31 acceleration of ~5.5 - 6s, of course there’s a disadvantage to that, the top speed is now only 61kph so even with “equal” acceleration it’s not as “fast”.

oh he is alive.

Yeah man… most people aren’t exactly pleased…

Welcome to the WT Forum, Hope you enjoy the Fire xD