Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

ALR Piranha.

@Smin1080p_WT Can we still hope for ground/air things for France or all we gonna have is coastal ?


Everyone: I think the J-10 is based on the Lavi.
J-9: I finally have two sons…


The can be hydroplanes but he talked about the p-2. Which cant float to my knowledge

More hydroplanes would be nice aswell.

Is there a jet hydroplane?

Crazy idea! But could it actually be a French vehicle?


Swiss F/A-18C upgrade 21 & 25 with 5th gen IR AAM & 10 AIM-120 AMRAAMs great Air-to-Air combat, but delayed ?

Swiss F/A-18C basic version unlike F/A-18C 80’s from USN & USMC because limited IR AAM, without AIM-7 & Air-to-Ground armament and no laser designator targeting pod

No, you will get your Leopard 1 and you WILL like it.


My favourite SR.A/1



I believe aircraft like the Orion are classed as maritime aircraft tho


I mean if gaijin dont add the plane to america and the finns then yeah would be pretty shit lol

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Looking at the handfull of cool stuff some nations gonna have, Gaijin BETTER not give us a shitty coastal start like it was for bluewater.

Because if the reason we don’t get nothing interesting for air or ground is because coastal, and coastal gonna be like 5 ships while 4 are US/UK copy past, with no missile boat or else that are on par with others nation, it’s gonna be riot .


taking design from f-16 just changing the air intake and canopy and calling it a new fighter. cool.

ah nice. Seems to be in the top br naval range aswell so perfect to bring along at top tier naval

Sadly no torpedos


Leaks are almost always incomplete, I’m huffing some hopium rn

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It’s also written perhaps not for this update at least.

Here are some more jet powered flying boats:




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Yeah same here.
If we’d start with a blank slate I’d say the following are the best subtrees for Ger:
-Netherlands (post ww2, my Fokkers shall never surrender!)


and gaijin added most of the C features to the A to make it a pusdo C with no differences.

you will notice a lot of the british players here didnt want the bison and said it should have went to russia, where as I have seen 4 separate people saying the F18 for the swiss shouldn’t go to america this update thats the difference

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lichtenstein going to germany as well i think

Personnally it’s easy, France and Swiss have a lot of cool vehicle made together, and now it’s confirmed i would never got them, or worst they could end in Germany.


Hmmm, my bag of glue has a German rank 8 premium in it an the JH-7 has an A slapped to the end. What does yours have?