Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Pre-Hungarian tree for Italy. the concern is that it would leave a hole. Now? It could move up without issue. But maybe same again. maybe a second foldered under the first with the upgrade.

Gunna be really interesting to see how or even if they add to all the current aiframes.

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That’s true.

I’m curious if the other missiles were placeholders are ones that will be used? For example AIM-120B vs Darter/MICA/PL-12/etc.

I’m not sure if they’re comparable, since if they go that route, we might see the AAM-4 as well.

Imbalance is inevitable. The MICA-EM if not gimped to hell and back will be dominant for quite a while, and the PL-12 is also quite a bit better than the AIM-120A/B.

The AAM-4 is also quite big and weighs a bit more. I’m curious if that means they’ll skip to the AIM-120C variants then? Maybe leave the earlier variants for the already existing aircraft?

Japan tested AIM-120Bs, so more than likely an F-15J MSIP will get them.

Right. I’m just saying if everyone else is getting their advanced ARHs, then Japan can get theirs too. Since some of those countries could use AIM-120Bs too but don’t.

Not that it matters much, AAM-4 and AIM-120B are comparable WT wise.

Not all nations are getting especially advanced Fox-3s. America is only getting the AIM-120A and Russia the R-77, so Japan getting the AIM-120B wouldn’t leave it behind or anything like that.

It wouldn’t no.

Again, I’m just saying, if everyone else is getting their native AAMs, Japan can be one of them too since AAM-4 is pretty comparable to AIM-120B. It’s like AIM-9M vs AAM-3.

The AAM-3 really should be more manoeuvrable than it is, since it can roll to allow the use of twin-axis pulling, but that’s a whole other discussion.

As for whether Japan should get the AIM-120B or AAM-4, I really don’t mind either way, and at the end of the day, it’s up to Gaijin.

Agreed to both. I’m sure they’ll unnerf the AAM-3 and other missiles after sufficient time has passed.

That’s what they’ve been doing to the Magic II recently, so yeah, that seems likely.

well you see

you don’t need to fire the guns if the enemy has a heart attack before the fight

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I’m looking forward to using ARHs in ground RB as a CAP tool. Aside from finally getting FnF missiles to deter orbital strikers, it might be a good tool to use against helis.

Currently Sparrows only work at close ranges against helicopters which, at that point, you’re in gun range and can also be shot down by them. I’m hoping with ARHs we can launch them using TWS at range and use datalink + inertial guidance to get real close so they’ll find their own lock. That way we can fight them, without getting into their effective ranges (and assuming they don’t smartly hug the ground and let multipathing work).


France has quite a few Autism Machines, as I like to call them.

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but to be fair we went from this :



To this :


And this :


So it’s not all that bad, what matters is the evolution i guess X)


Four guns in each turret looks weird.

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They really should get rid of that once ARHs are added

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I personnally like it.

But tbh those are 2 guns turrets strapped to each other :



The 2 left guns can have their own elevation compared to the 2 right guns, and a thick armor plate separates these 2 groups of guns


I never said it’s bad, just unusual. It does have character.


We’d hope but I doubt it. They picked this specifically for balance so that you can defend against 16 planes (even though the fix is right there, smaller games).

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