Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

real like the chad channel dash over the virgin trying to sneak around the Denmark straight

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Belfast did some serious damage for only 6 inch guns. But yes, we need KGV

I think gaijin should also give me a free Belfast. I went on the real one, of course. /j

Here we go for naval



Balls to the wall sprint through the most contested and dangerous 22 miles of water… the English Channel, beaten only in levels of boldness by the Channel Tunnel (an accomplishment given how fireprone it is)

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Id just love a WW2 version of Belfast

6x twin 4 inch guns
16x 40mm
8x 13mm
6x Torp tubes

no no you want a Cold War flagship version of Belfast.

Which reminds me, Blake in post refit config when (it’ll be worthless)

Dev log out yet?

After all, she is the largest, active, combat vessel of the royal navy today, bar the new QE and Prince of Wales.

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however, is she the longest serving… (the answer is no)

I love that story the Scharnhorst miss identified the star shells of Belfast as being Duke of York’s since she was with a bunch of G classes and their 4inch star shells were a lot smaller, then while running encountered the star shells of Duke of York and the crew described it as a blinding light compared the the other shells


No that would be the victory, which I will board this summer sometime.

Why does this make me sounds like some kind of ork pirate?

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Has gaijin done the 3x2 15 inch version of Gneisenau yet?

Id honestly take that over bismarck

The crew having a rude awakening when 14 inch shells slam into her from another different direction

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Opens the topic
Aight, let’s see what the folks have been talking about today
Sees what the folks have been talking about
sigh More 2A4M CAN debate…

could be worse. Nelson boarded one ship and decided midway through that one wasn’t enough and boarded another

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Never was leo talk.
Just naval.
Safe and happy naval talk.


we get the version with the 3x3 turrets (283mm)
thats what we saw in the big CDK Leak 2 years ago

@Morvran you got that one video showing russian IR missiles are way better then stingers and stuff need to send it to a russian main in discord server