Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

when I say modern I mean when the ship itself was built as refits rarely change the actual armour scheme of a ship as it would require extensive work and would be cheaper to just build a new ship

(we found that out when the UK cancelled the Malta class aircraft carriers and said we would just modernise the Illustrious and such and its estimated it costs almost double I think?)

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So German flag and all Leos to Germany.

After all all Leos in Canada are 100% German and 0% Canadian.

Dude please just stop.

Sounds about right. I mean, there is a reason we binned off Eagle in 1970 or whenever it was and just didn’t bother refitting her for operations with Phantom.

imma just stop. i tried to explain calmly the situation and tried to be pretty cool, especially since the other guys were being pretty chill and cool with this theme but man you are just impossible, wish you luck and have a good day, i hope your mood chills out so you can read it later

ye but we should have gotten HMS Queen Elisabeth like 2 to 3 patches ago whenever SMS Sachsen since if I remember correctly the QE class was the counter part to the bayern class

LOL no News at all wtf is going on?

A debate that has already ran its course & also funny naval stuff.

Care to join in on the naval talk? :p

Brother a G3 would wipe the floor with everything up to a South Dakota class lmao.

And i mean the 2nd south dakota class at that lol.

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yeah, iirc Bayern and QE were the 15 inch escalations because it was about then they realised “oh, 13.5 inch isn’t hurting hard enough”

or something like that?

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Ok Ok nah man sry i dont like Boats ^^

we do a miniscule amount of trolling


aww… Fair enough, take care then my dude.

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sorry lad, the 4 naval mains + 1 or maybe 2 are running RR&D rn


actually Bayern was built as a counter to the QE class lol, Revenge would be Bayerns actual counterpart lol

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I cant wait to see how the reddit reacts when bismarck is just a worse littorio lol

It’s a double standard.

The UK has the same about to do with the 2A6M CAN as it does to 2A4M CAN.

So the 2A6m CAN can’t go to the UK. So it is a German event vehicle.

Also, the 2A4M CAN suggestion says nothing about German premium. (or premium at all)

christ i need to start reading up on naval arms race… or at the very least what the heck was going on with Battleship development lol.

thanks for the save

man it could be very funny

this means the Devs cant make a premium out of it?
seriosly, how old are you?