Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

HMS Queen Mary is insulting if the Leaklist is right

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i always said i am all for a standalone canada tree, the problem is if we cram anymore into the UK it just gets to much, i already said i am ok with 2a6m going to uk etc, but thats where it needs to stop. at the next point the australians and every other commonwealth country starts complaining

And honestly at this point i am just feed up with stormryder when he doesnt accept anything, even when we said UK can have all other canadian leopards besides the 2a4m can for all we care

have you just ignored all the shit about germans saying its fine for britain to get the 2A6M or are you that mad that you would rather have zero canadian tanks in a line up because you dont get them all?

Because it is a double standard.

So I picked the side that should make you happy. all Leos to Germany,

yeah i know right? why is it the uk is getting all of these filler ships while other nations get super meta ships

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south american /latam would be the only thing to change that, literaly no point to put argentinian vehicles anywhere else because the vehicles already exist in their own trees. The tams and pucaras pretty much are their only indigineous vehicles in the first place.
And out of the many stand alone nation options latam just isnt very high above the likehood ladder

Unless they have 0 plans to ever add that. At which point what happens to things that have better claim else where?

Like the Mirage III, Daggers or Super Etendards

yeah yeah nurse, where is the jacket?

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true but one thing I am against is the Argentinian navy going to germany, mainly due to all of it being ships from the UK America and I think France

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Right enough like seriously enough we are grown adults here so atcually act like it please…

Okay so, the small problem of "why am I shooting a Germany Brooklyn (General Belgrano) and why is there a Type 42 on the enemy team (Santisima Trinidad and Hercules)

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2 options, only add them to the french tree
or if they wanna build a real argentian air line in the german tree add them to germany, there is a great suggestion for it.

I mean france is getting a lot of german stuff trough benelux, we realy complaining about the 3 aircraft then, i think indian rafaele in the british tree might turn out the worse problem lol xD

Why are you not happy I’m agreeing with you? All Leos to Germany.

If it helps we’re trying to get hold of a range table that’d get most of the WW1 stuff buffed most likely

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My guy. Not to be rude but Shini said you can have some for the U.K. and he ain’t against a full -independent Canadian, also please just end it this argument about the Canadian Leopard.

this lasted longer then it needed to, just let the horse die in peace, stop beating it to death already. Please?

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honestly i cant say anything about the naval part, i just know to few about that. You have to ask 1 of the 12 naval players for that

thats not even the issue, they have out dated armour schemes and lack anti air, on top of having worse reloads and inaccurate guns

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if aircraft carrier were added, you would have 2 british carrier, an american cruiser and british frigates and destroyers

just saying there is non german leopards. Turkey and greece each developed their own leopard 2a4 modifications completly themself, hell the ukrainian era leopard could be considered their own modification as well.

So, what do we learn? not all leopards are 100% german, just the 2a4m can is in this case

Im for the entire commonwealth being in the uk tree.

I just really really cant abide whiners. And yall whine a lot.