Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

that would be depressing that the UK will most likely have the worse harrier out of the 4, even japan a nation who never used them would have a better harrier lmao

Thailand doesn’t have the AV-8B+

[quote=“StormRyder13, post:7209, topic:104523, full:true”]
Look a leo, so it must go to Germany.
Considering KMW had helped India make it. meaning it has more place in the German tree then the UK one.


I forgor which one they had lol

oh i am aware, i do know the 2a4m can post

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Av-8S, basically AV-8A/Gr3

so realistically slightly better engines and a HMD, since both the pod and extra AIm9s and mavricks could go on the Gr7 as well

The FA.2 can carry 4 AMRAAMS the AV-8B+ can only carry two, right @Mytho-GR1?

Yeah, they could, but its Gaijin. So they probably wont. “loadouts are a balancing thing”

Think they can do 4 as well.

I more mean gaijin will some how fuck its radar or something or because it can carry 4 (yet has no gun and on a worse air frame) will be a higher BR

Do we know of any other leaked gen 3 jets ( apart from the benelux ones) that are also coming next patch?

If “overseeing design, development and evaluation” isn’t enough that german powerpack is.

I prefer this one:


Spain arms AV-8B with Penguin | News | Flight Global

thats a spanish AV8B+ but I assume all of them can


Considering the FA2’s radar is what the Gripens have. They really have no excuse to screw it up.

Only thing I fear. It being like 13.0 because “reasons”

Av-8B+ i think is four

like 12.3 max i would say

you know gaijin they seem to have a hate boner for the UK so I can totally see them fucking up, the radar, its missiles, its airframe or all 3 and then putting it higher then the AV8B+s

Yeah… but Gaijin…

Im hoping 12.0 but ready to move to 12.3 at the first sign of trouble. but if its 12.7 or above. might as well not add it