Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

only disadvantage it has : it’s quite slow


But some also July.


if we have to wait till july I doubt we will get 5 updates this year lol


I think Thursday or Friday they’ll start devblogs. I am surprised by absolutely none today though…

That being said WAY too many game devs release content that was not ready instead of postponing it. Its Gaijin, so will still be buggy. But Id rather take late than unplayable.

Yeah IDK. Seems like this update is a huge load on their plate.

I’m copeful for Friday.

The Air Superiority update radars 💀💀

yeah I doubt its gonna be playable I can almost grantee that most tanks and planes will be modelled wrong (unless its russian) and at least one game breaking bug will be added which is actually pretty good for a wt update lmao

Yeah… But considering this updates contains ARH and its basically the only asset several aircraft have to justfiy their BR (looking at the FA2) Id prefer they werent worse than Skyflash DF

that my friend is copium

Yeah… Not looking forward to being killed by R-77s when flying at 10ft but AMRAAM cant hit something at 5000ft.

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na well you see comrade R77 is a new missiles and must be more advanced, russia cant possibly make something that is just worse



DPRK vehicles generally have little connection to China, unlike Pakistani stuff.

DPRK is best served in a United Korean tree


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M8 that old wat thunder time has changed

“Little” I doubt little is the correct term to use if China helped NK to exist.

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Vast majority of their equipment is Chinese, which can be added to the Chinese tech tree WITHOUT a full subtree. A Pakistani subtree would bring nothing to the tech tree other than a Mirage and T-80

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Watch his face when Gaijin announces a united Korean sub tree to China because France got the Benelux :P

And this is related to their military equipment how?

They use some Chinese stuff, sure, but most of their equipment is locally developed armaments derived from Soviet stuff, not Chinese.

Fine by me.

Pakistan as a fifth aviation line would be pretty good and the Chinese ground tree could benefit from it by making the Pakistan sub-tree into a general export line.
My idea is that Chinese lines could be: light, medium, SPAA, TD and export/Pakistan

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