Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Silly silly thing which will be rendered useless the second it comes under real stress and all those sensors get damaged. But whatever, lol

You know, that might actually be important, given that Gaijin is now going to remodel interiors to include electronics and such

“He can’t keep getting away with it!”

Most of these dont bring much or just are worse than 2A7V.
It’s only for lineups power yet if looking at only lineups power theres always newer versions of top tier soviet tanks.

The second tanks get anywhere touched IRL they are often rendered useless.
No tank is prone to getting all of it’s sights knocked out or getting mobility killed.

Oh and for China I straight up believe it would be better to just give em side ERA, I dont care if side ERA is something rare and something we only seen once, China is simply not special by anything MBT atm.

Yes, which is why MBT’s need better commander’s stations and commandment with good drones to work effectively, coupled with infantry of BMPT’s in case of city.

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The precedent set with adding the T 80 U to Sweden, Pakistan can get vehicles it only tested - so Ukrainian Oplots, upgrades to the T-80 series which compete with, if not outrank, Russian Federation T-80s

This. No tank is invincible. And the more the optics and things for helping the crew, the more it can do when needed, in my mind at least.

I dont agree, but you did get me there for a bit, yes.
Although I would argue that minor upgrades to the Leopard/Abrams families are more impactful than those to the T-Series, because they’re foundationally built off a better base. As much as I love my little Ts, never did solve that autoloader. Or cramped space. Or much of it.

The VT4 and other Chinese top tier would be capable of fighting its foes given that the current issues on firepower, vehicle modelling and others are properly done. T-84 would be a very ideal design for war thunder, but I cannot see how China is involved.

All armour is uselss. Return to MTLB with 100mm strapped on top. But I wont argue, especially as we delve into drones, as we all know which conflict that comes from. Let’s not

I’ve read something funny about AASM Hammer, dunno if right (so take it with grain of salt), but:

“A former French military explains that theses bombs are so accurate, that during Lybian war, training bombs (without explosives, but filled with concrete) were used to destroy tanks in urban areas. Without explosion, it limits the risk of collateral casualties, but the weight of the bomb was enough to destroy the tank.”

Bonk !



Yeah but any base has it limits or something it comes at first, that being mobility, sometimes weakspots (big oof for Abrams with its turret ring)
Now USA’s and Germany’s MBTs are getting over 20 tons heavier than they were at their initial age and yet nothing for improving the engine, unless Germany does use 1630 HP engine.

I dont understand - in this scenario, China would get the Oplots, in a Pakistani sub-tree.


A concern, not that those MBTs cannot keep up with anything the East has to offer. NATO can lag in that department, because the East was playing catch-up

Ignore Britain and their Challenger 2s. Thanks

“It’s like a BMP-2M, but slower, with armour that still wont protect it! Brilliant!”

As much as I would love to have this, I doubt it will be top tier worthy.

Yes but the weight only makes T-80s stronger as now the speed difference is getting into their own plus.

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What I also do not understand is that - why do China need a sub tree in the first place. It has enough designs for export specifically to make a whole tech tree. I was advocant against Hungary and Finland and I will try to voice against subtree for China.


Yet your highest non russian MBTs seem to be the AIM with 0 kills and the Bishma.

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That with Merkava dont really fit stereotypical NATO tank role you expect.

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The engine wouldn’t be a problem for the 2A7V/2A8 if Gaijin tried to model the modified drives correctly.

I took lower BR tanks into 11.3/11.7 at those times.

Not like it makes any difference.

I missed some, I think. Not improvements, but more Leopards, for more nations, to bolster lineups and ensure that end-of-game lineups dont turn into Leopard 2A4s and such.

2SG (?)