Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

True, which is why I’m very much in favor for every nation, even russia with a slightly lower priority, to receive a Strv 122 counterpart.

Still doesn’t change that the BVM was a menace to fight before december. I’ve had plenty of shots getting screwed by it’s armor, volumetric or spalling.

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casually ignores the fact that the Kh-38 outranges every SPAA in game

You can choose the guide


I need those beauty in WT :D

They climb right before reaching the target too


I dream of T-80U getting some love to be modernised more.
I know modernisations like T-80UE-1 exist and are serial but man I hope for the same big change as from BV to BVM kind of change.
There is even an image of what it would probably look like and index, T-80UM-3

As can be seen, my love for T-80U extends from the original T-80A straight to Object 640 and this.

Making airplanes with only anti-air capabilities SP costs reduced massively would already help by a huge margin and we didnt need Pantsir to come to this but yknow, too hard to do for devs.


What serious tanks remain, manufactured and put into service, for Russian Federation to get?
They’ve tapped the 72B3, 90M, 80BVM, all of their most potent in service vehicles.

More prototypes and 152mm monsters?
Maybe stuff such as 72B3M, Obr 2022, Obr 2023 of existing vehicles? Great! Huge changes.

But other NATO countries have more, stronger, in-service vehicles to help counter those WITHOUT tapping into the “prototypes and monstrosities” pool of vehicles.

I dont know if i’ve illustrated my point well. Just that Russia doesn’t have much room for expansion now, as their tanks are just worse. They’ve used up most of the “best” ones to counter NATO tech 10 or 20 years behind them.


BVM was a menace for the same reason Abrams is: Good players using it.
Still doesn’t change that the BVM was the weakest armor of the tanks Soviets had at 11.X, even weaker than the T-90A.

Think of the T-80BVM as if you gave a Leopard 2A4 a 2A7V hull and thermals, and DM43… and that’s pretty much the armor, thermal, and ammo changes from T-80B to BVM.
Obviously turret drive improved as well for BVM, but this was to illustrate changes.


The best techs are exactly those at the end of the cold war. M1CATTB, PZ87, and Strv 141 are all end of cold war techs. The armata was based off something from the 90s anyways.

Who are really running out of time are China, Japan and Israel. China has low priority plans to develop better MBT due to military doctrines, Japan is not in need to design a new one, Israel only has the merkava barak to come. On the other hand, all European nations got some upgrades to go.

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Japan is getting a Thai sub-tree, Thats known.
Israel - nobody plays, so no tears shed there.
China - Pakistani sub-tree? Possibly.

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Newer NATO serial (low serie atm) tanks would be just addition of APS.
The only new tank would be SepV3 but I cant judge for how big of a margin.
Italy would finally get good tanks but that’s it.

2023 BVM would mean it would actually get it’s IRL side ERA packages, as RN in game BVM has only packages the russian marines have, in other words the weakest one.
Drone jammers wouldnt play a big role.

More than just new APS that if in-works like the new MBT between France and Germany reach a production things, but a whole new tank.

If you are about EMBT that would be crossing into the pool of prototypes, which scenario we are not looking at as kf rn.

I played many nations regularly against BVM. Never found it difficult to kill. Never found it strong. Braindead vehicle would be Type 90/10 because of the reload.

I just have never seen this mythical braindead strong Soviets.

China doesnt need any subtrees, plus, Pakistans top tank is the VT4.

I do hope it become more than proto and become a cool modern new tank for both nations

(as long Gaijin don’t give it only for Germany, like AS USUAL !)


Mainly USSR as of RN, if you exclude any other nation other than Russia has mostly ligjt tanks and tank destroyers, SPAA’s to get, looking only at ground vehicles.

L 2A7+ , 2A8, 2A8 NOR, 2E,

M1 SEP V3, V4, 1A2T(?)

2/3 more for each vehicle going into prototypes, but I said we wouldnt do that

which nations could it go to? (my brain is having a moment rn)

France and Germany, it’s a join project.

Is it that EMBT thing?
