Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

What is the counter supposed to be to this? Kh-38s, with a maximum of 40km range, against SPAA outranged by the Pantsir (only the S1 in game, with SM, S1M, TBM far outranging that), with no smoke launchers, and a lack of cover to break LOS in many maps.


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Top three rn are Sweden, France, then Germany.
Me brain not function

*three 🤓

Noticed that, 3 hrs of sleep finally kicking in

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bruh, i cast caffeine on your ass

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4.0~5.0 China rocking 80% WR rn
Highest of the day.

Yeah, no idea what is it like !


But Russia is green % at top tier if i remember correctly? Didnt see since a while but it was good too isnt it?

Also France second without things outside basic MBT, and no spall liner, lmao.


its a subsonic maybe dont have skill issue killing a subsonic jet

Yes, it sits slightly below 60%, I am just listing top three.


I have the Pantsir, I have Su-25s, I can seethe for game balance but you cant say I seethe because I dont have it.

Not that the subsonic speed matters. You outrange everyone.

its subsonic guys so it isn’t strong

IR ?

ikr*, my brain just doesnt work.


If it was a lie, you would have been able to counter it.

I have experience playing Germany, Russia, US, China and Israel at top tier before air superiority. What experiences with other nations do you have that indicate how hard it is to play/fight Russian tanks?

Same question as above applies to you volxar.

Pretty much spawn a plane or die, it’s super annoying.

Win rates allegedly dropped cause skilled players moved tech trees again. Skilled players moving tech trees is the only real way win rates change: See the CL-13 incident.
Win rate in War Thunder is something that can be manipulated, even with win rate data being as secret as it is [thankfully].

T-90M is the first tank Soviets got that’s actually armored, and can “hold W” as Strv 122s have been doing for years at this point; so your theory doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

T-80U has more armor than T-80BVM, and still not enough to compare to Leopard 2A7V or the Strf 122s.
And on top of that, armor is layer 4 of the protection onion…

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Counter of Pantsir ?

AASM Hammer for France could help against pantsir i think, really want to get those juicy advanced
guided bombs, and of course SCALP EG/Stormshadow.

But afaik AS30L are already alright.

subtract about 1100 of those and you’ve got your actual amount 😂

Bruh ?

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A range up to 70km, I like your thinking! Not sure if it is as guided as the Kh missiles though, as in, would it be able to track and adjust to a moving target. I know its guided, but that may just be to a general coordinate/area.

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