Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

yes but you know, every empire end one day or another, so we just gonna wait the other round :p

The M-Class has a 305 mm gun :P

Ok, you have the best submarine main battery, cool
You’ll still get outgunned by anything but reserve destroyers
And torpedo tubes are nothing but a gimmick

K2 data was only after air superiority though, after a massive meta shift.

But yes, a tank as braindead easy to play as the BVM was is definitely one of the best.

I prefer dual 203, looks better. :p

Ok you’r just totally against subs, noted.

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I’ll remind you that pretty much all WW2 subs do not have homing torpedoes and are limited to WW1 battleship speed when it comes to underwater speed
They won’t be fun vehicles to play

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I think that gaijin should implement Vertical refresh rating because horizontal refresh rating is in default AND WE CAN’T PLAY WAR THUNDER FOR A LONG TIME…
This should implement on vertical refresh rating because most on CRT and LCD to be put in graphics settings if ULQ has to be done due to Worlds of Tanks have a refresh vertical, WE NEED TO IMPLEMENT VERTICAL REFRESH RATING

Ok we can go modern sub i’m totally for it.

This nuclear French bad boy displace more than the entire german Uboot fleet :

(and the name is really cool when you know what it transport~)

Early subs, or modern sub, i just hope Gaijin don’t gonna forget us since we have cool things everywhere.

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maybe devblog today? :3

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If it has that as the default and only skin I would unironically forgor its a copypaste and grind it.

Saddly doubt

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Alt accounts are against forum rules.
If you suspect RazerVon of being an alt-account, report them; I reported them though clearly nothing has been done at this time.
Especially since I’m on American time zones and just woke up to this nonsense.


Why not excited first devblog season of next major update ?

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My opinion:

The only meta-shift that occured is that BLUfor guys had a sweet enough carrot being dangled, that they used their keyboards to play the game instead of ranting about bias.

I don’t think anyone is going to say that most of those tanks were actually so strong that they changed everything.

I had a stroke reading that

You can have your opinion, even though I think it’s a very misinformed one.

Russian winrates dropped because they couldn’t simply hold W and win most of the time, because the T-80BVM was that braindead easy.

Add to this that Sweden got megabuffed and a lot of good players went to grind the 2A7V instead of playing Russia.

Saying that Russian tanks like the BVM actually took skill and more than 3 braincells to play is pretty much a go to cope for Russian mains, which only got reinforced after december 2023 until they added the Su-25SM3.


Dude, his English has never been that good. Some languages are so different than English it’s hard for people to learn it properly.

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Not gonna complain, not like i have respect for this language.


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Last time i checked it was still good winrate for top tier

not true

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