Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It really shouldn’t get those, or at the very least if it is, it should come with another Mirage 4000, with the current one staying as is.


14 MICAs

At that point i’d fold tbh.


In the last major update, Russia received the same or less than multiple other nations. Looking back at the last major of last year, the same is true again. So this would be incorrect.

As for what other nations wish to see, we are working through that. Such as the requested light vehicles for the British and the Fox coming last update.


France has tonnes of well documented vehicles, also, so that argument doesn’t hold up.


That is not the only reason and you know it.
There are lots of documents available for all nations in the game.
Yet we haven’t seen them in the game yet.
And i’m not talking about top-tier. I’m talking from the br’s of 1.0-10.0.

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I’m not against an advanced M4K for that.

And i would stand up xD

Eh, would get hard to organise very quickly, I imagine the devs speak both English and Russian so setting up a script is fairly easy. A Spanish stream for example would probably end up having to be Russian>English>Spanish. I guess if you found some Spanish & Russian speaking CMs ig?

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We generally do what works best for the community as a whole. Feedback is always appreciated so feel free to leave it on the official streams.


Give the fox its NVD’s back, and revert that policy >:(


Ah yes that one single light tank we should be so grateful and bow to the Snail Master

ignores the entire CVR(T) family, the Warrior upgrades, Ajax, FRES, Boxer Family


I hate to say it, but anti-russian bias has always been in the community. Not in the game.

Might have something to do with the incredibly close ties the two defence industries have.
The lineage of all the equipment. Basically twin brothers diverging.

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If it has better gun elevation speed and thermals it can easily be 11.3 with the T-80U with 3BM46 for RB and 11.7 with 3BM60.

Apart from those people who dont know english or russian


No that’s definitely fair enough. While I’m a English speaker (therefore doesn’t bother me) I’m surprised Gaijin never mulled the idea over

Unfortunately not every single vehicle can come in a single update. So it’s not reasonable to expect as such, especially with other vehicles planned too. The Fox has been a generally well recieved and well performing addition to the tree.


Probably cuz it’s more work required than it seems, since you need to hire said streamers/people that can speak that language, for example, spanish or chinese etc.

I would like to point out

Many people do not know about this, but the players of the Soviet Union are very much waiting for a branch of wheeled vehicles. As much as the British for IFV. So to some extent, the Soviet Union doesn’t get what it wants either


Yes. Crazy to dump it at 12.3 and call it a day. But that’s what they did.

It is reasonable, however, to expect a handful of light vehicles for every nation at the same time as or shortly after Russia and Sweden have gotten as many as they have.

They probably have? But English is a very common 2nd language so the cost/benefit probably isn’t there

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