Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Meanwhile they can go with handfull of gift for some of their favorite nation (like the handfull of wieselS for Germany some years ago now in one update) but nations that can have similar gift either got it one by one, or just don’t even started to get those vehicles…

Sadly we cant cover every language possible to have to go with what works best for the majority of our community. As I said before, feel free to leave your feedback on the official stream.


No I know but with the exception of the Ajax its not as if these vehicles haven’t been around long, are likely to break balance.
They are, more than likely going to be interesting vehicles that bring some diversity to the game, which begs the question why they were not added, or considered for addition. You said it yourself, the Fox is a well received addition. Players like it a lot (those who play it of course, people who fight it hate it)

Eh personally I find SARH significantly more reliable that IR missiles, ao I don’t like the gripen much. But again, personal preference

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Lots of vehicles come into consideration and all of them take time to fully develop and be introduced. Stay tuned for what the future holds.


Yep well, as I’ve said, with split BRs a really good opportunity for a bit of decompession across the game is coming up, here’s to hoping its in their plans

Not sure what’s your point, literally the first paragraph in the suggestion says that it’s just a knee-jerk suggestion because Sweden got the T-80 and Mi-28, it has nothing to do with Russians actually begging for a Centauro,

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I’m taking this as confirmation that the FV107 Scimitar, my beloved CVRT is coming this patch. And will be devastated if it doesn’t.


What he means is “one, maybe two, will come at some arbitrary point from now to ten years from now”.

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you realise that was a joke right?

I mean there’s lordy knows how many versions of Chieftain and Centurion so you know

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@Smin1080p will Ariete MBT receive buff in next update?

As long as some nations are better considered than others, even if this famous development time is long, things will never change.


Ariete is dead man, no matter how you buff it you can’t revive it…(i use it myself too)

Nah the Mk.2 is too tall
I want the late Mk.1 with the automotive improvements and thermals

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We all know the French are at the bottom of the pile, because they’re French

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Goddamn gimme my Thermals
(Ajax when? Yes ik it’ll kill the driver but I need muh 40mm and TI)

Eh, the newer chassis are alright, Spanish build quality turns out not to be great