Yeah, I think C-5s were 2006
(oh whats this?) It’s an abomination. Give.
Boxer tracked always looks goofy to me, like a legally distinct puma or something lmao
I’m sure we had this discussion before somewhere but iirc we concluded it probably didn’t fit them operationally because of retirement in the same year.
That said, I’d imagine that it would’ve been test fitted while C-5 was under development, iirc AMRAAM Cs have some slightly different fins
Russians ask for a tested Centauro
The haters : Silence
I don’t think people were quiet when someone suggested to add the Centauro to Russia (Which I personally think that was a ridiculous idea to add a Centauro to Russia when Russia has better options in mind.)
Allow me to introduce you to Contentious, FV4401
I mean moreover the Sprut exists. And it has 3BM60 at 10.0. Which I’m not entirely sure how that happened but we’ll run with it.
Silence was perhaps the wrong word but I’m just sick of the Anti British’ ness lately
Welp, the talking about literally anything but “Leo 2 and f16 for UK” was fun while it lasted, ima go do some naval suggestions 🫡
The FV4401 doesn’t look that bad. Looking at other photos it screams British wedge.
yeah there was. I think Gunjob/Flame were having a look to see IF they were ever tested/claered, but i dont know if they ever found anything to that affect. Its possible they were, its possible they werent because they were planned to go out of service in 2006 back in 2002. So they might have just not seen the point with the cost/effort to clear them.
Especially as the RAF/Politicians were dead-set into making the FA2 look obsolete, so clearing it for C-5s doesnt help with that much)
(though just imagine FA2 with Meteor :P )
People still play Naval in 2024 ?
Im fed up with both tbh.
Yes. me.
I just hope Germany doesnt start trying to Claim Argentinian Type 42 Destroyers :P
Can we not for 5 minutes?
definitely not RTS, that’s for sure.
It’d certainly make sense that they never cleared it, given they knew that early on about it…
I just find it honestly sad that everyone was so oblivious to the fact the FA.2 just provided a capability no one else could… namely A/A assets where you had no bases.
I am feeling two emotions, one is limitless sadness, the other I can’t disclose here 😂
Can you imagine a wall of death? That would be that
On the money - now, why we should get the FA.2:
- It’s just better
- Screw you, politicians
Yeah, They full on muddied the FA2. Such a shame.
and yes, 4x ASRAAM 2x Meteor with that Blue Vixen radar… hehehehe
Now, even if you do live to the merge (you won’t), you’ll die at the merge (heehee)