Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I remember when people complained about germany always getting additions with every dlc like when the got the monarchist path in waking the tiger

but a nation that really needs a new tree is japan

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With them adding TFV to the base game I hope they are planning in fixing some of the A-historical stuff. (Like the UK being able to call Canada into the war).

Expanded that historical stuff. It’s good but there is so much more that could be touched on with modern focus tree standards.

And compactly re-work the alt-history stuff. As there is so much more that could be done. (Like Canadian Caribbean)

But that level of much-needed rework would be a new DLC. But it sounds like that is what they are planning with the move that added the 3 DLCs to the base game.

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Yeah. Im thinking some like the Tornado MFG or Tornado WTD61 which is kinda in the same boat might move down, I was thinking 10.3/10.7 depending on if they get their missing CMs.

Yeah, they doesnt felt 11.0 worthy, those two AIM-9Ls and supersonic speed def contributed, but they cant really CAS.

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now I wonder if the Tornado Gr1 will go down in br in ARB since its pretty much just free food

Yea true though it still shocks me how Germany communism is basically non existent despite it being really notable after the war and after.

And don’t get me started on King William II though it would be funny to add a monarchy path to make a Germany and British union. lol

Is it odd that we don’t have dovblogs yet? We also haven’t had a patch in almost three weeks. :(

Gaijin might drop first devblog season tomorrow 76%

either means its gonna be a big update or very small lol

they can go down to whatever BR the MFG/WTD61 are at for ARB, because guided weapons mean nothing. At min that should mean 11.0. which will be fine with the CM count they should hopefully be getting

ngl I hope we get the harrier Gr9 soon ish


because I need it


Gr9A with the better engine, 6x Aim-9M and HMD would be a decent 12.0 ISH aircraft for air. Combine with gen 3 TPod and it would be a great addition without Brimstones. But yes, gimme Brimstones

assuming we only get Brimstone 1, they have a 20+ km range meaning we will finally have a weapon that can hopefully strike at pansiers, and be around the same range as the KH38

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Sweden has a Russian attack helicopter in WT so you never know 😂

Gaijin: hold my beer

[Premium copy pasta maker goes brrrrrr]

Pls, don’t ban me, i luv u snail



AGMs such as the brimstone may need some loadout limitation due to the amount of missiles. Limiting it to 4 or 6 should be enough.

I wonder if we can get a market skin for this mig-21 UK is getting according to the leak list :thinking:

How about limiting it to ONE

Even the Kh38 needs some loadout limit.