Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Adds Argentinian Daggers, Mirage IIIs and Super Etendards to Germany

Adds South African Mirage IIIs to Britain

(cant think of any more off the top of my head)

Cool, I’ve been enjoying the Mig29SMT lately in sim, talismanned it too. Looking forward to the R77’s for it

Yeah. This update is gunna add a lot hopefully (been a tad disappointed by the last few, Buc S2B was nice, but still a tad meh). I chucked a Talisman on the Tornado Gr1. Hoping it will get its full CM count at long last with the split CMs. But that has yet to be confirmed.

I’ve not actually played much SB recently though. Been playing more naval or ground with a squad. But will be looking forward to bot hunting in a few weeks. Thats always fun

Indian Rafale but you better calm down right now ! x)

I mean better than a Mig-21 as us brits were atcually thinking of getting it.

Oh yes :P

Would save me from having to grind the french TT like the SAAF Gripen saved me from grinding the Swedish tree :P

Canadian mig 21 perhaps


Ow heck yeah. How though? Is that the one they trialed?
What load outs would it get.

Dont forget m2k to china because reasons

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I just checked with someone who is more informed about it, it has a double wall so there is no issues about it

But Russia has too few AESA Jet lol

No, it was an April fool joke. (as funny as it is it’s fake)


Not sure, but we did buy a handful of them

MiGStory10 (1)


It was an April fools joke




Damn i was trying to trick him lol


I’ve seen to many east-block vehicles being introduced the last couple of months (avarage of 8 vehicles per update for Russia, C&P Finland, C&P Hungary, Israël, India(GB)), i want to see some actual indiginous designs again.
Like for France, Italy, China, Japan and GB.


We all do

We got some from Germany after reunification for museums but that was about it.

RCAF never used any even for testing. The one thing was an April Fools joke that was so good it tricked the internet.

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Even to this day. Ive seen the odd thread pop up for it to be added (I think genuinely)