Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’m wondering what the team is doing, they have to be planning something REALLY, REALLY big, if they don’t have the time to make unique western models anymore.

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We can dream…

Hi, anything new?
Ok, bye

Skyflash ACTIVE for the Tornados stock missile…

That’s true, I hope F-16A Block 20 change to new 2x IR AAM stock instead current 2x IR AAM

But now F-16A ADF (ANG) & F-14B Tomcat (USN) from USA tech tree, Tornado IDS ASSTA 1 (GER), F-16A ADF (ITA), MiG-29 9-13 (USSR), MiG-29 9-12A (GDR), MiG-29 9-12B (HuAF), Tornado F.3 (RAF) and Tornado ADV (ITA) lack 4th gen IR AAM ?

I’m not surpriced F-16A Block 10, F-14B Tomcat, Tornado F.3, Tornado ADV, Tornado IDS ASSTA 1, Tornado IDS (1995) and Sea Harrier FRS.1 using AIM-9L

there is like a 50% chance we dont get a dev blog this week at all probly so yall should just cool ur jets

It has to be this Friday I don’t want to leave another weekend without at least something

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Indeed. I think it was about 1-2 months ago I saw a post about them on one of the WT Sub-Reddits.

The fact it’s still tricking people to that day tells how much effort was spent to make it look real.

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oh god

FBI is looking into your will to kill right now

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Yeah… Even just the SA Mirage III. As much as I hate to admit it. They would be good for our TT.

I love the Sea Harrier, but it does have clear disadvantages and can get easily defeated by things like the F-5s at the same BR. Those would be good options for that BR range

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They do have some PESA jets

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Why not tomorrow?

It’s more the DGSE in that case xD

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Thats the thing. I love our unique stuff, but its inevitable that we need other stuff to actually be competitive.

Like the Shar and Tonka, they are cool and heritage but also if the SU-27 can be seen to be a little “mid” despite having the most amount of the best kit available. Imagine how they are going to fare.

I cant imagine i would have gotten to top tier Britain past the FGR after already flying the Hunter, only to have to use a SHar and Tornado as my only options for grinding the Typhoon.

bro stop it.

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I have nothing to do with it.

Yeah most of the “2nd gen Flankers” are PESA and then a few are AESA but not too many.


If you want a ban then you can continue the Canada rant

Yeah… This is true. As much as I am excited for the FA2. I also fear it will be unplayable