Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Why are you so sure Sea Harrier FA.2 from Royal Navy it’s early aircraft premium pre-order pack at rank 8 for great britain ?

I don’t know Queen Mary it’s premium pack or event vehicle or researchable



The MPMM and MPMS are different vehicles.

I was just pondering what sub-tree Korea could get and spluttered what came to mind. Vietnam had a bluefor V redfor war like the Koreas and is now communist like NK, so it works very VERY losely

I mean. It can Sorta work-ish? I don’t know if it would be the answer to the Korea question, which is still left with no answer at the moment. But I would absolutely love to see both Korean & Siam’s Vehicles in the game.

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He’s assuming it will be knowing Gaijin, (Which ain’t their first time doing a stunt like that before.)

Though I somewhat doubt the warrior would be a Premium, cause we already have the Rooikat 105 as the Premium pack which would be a backwards logic type of move if they did do that.

The HMS Queen Mary that is a big fat 50/50 chance of it being a Premium or not.

The Sea Harrier I 100% doubt it will be a Pre-order pack but hey I could be proven wrong by gaijin. :p

blog today

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I’m not sure, I’m taking the mick out of Gaijin’s habits of putting very recognisable and imoortant vehicles that should be TT, and instead adding them as Prem/Sqn (Sea Vixen, SHAR 1)

its a possibility if the turret is heavy, which i dont think it is, i believe it doesnt have more than 50mm of armor(maybe tbere is composite but i dont really know or care)

Me :3


Frankly its a small group that just wont give it up.

“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down…”

Except Gaijin always lets us down.

On a serious note, if I was a Canadian, I would be very happy that Canadian stuff are getting represented at all.

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I mean sure, the US had a platoon that used mostly captured vehicles so why not

they got an FW190 and 2 Bf 109s too

but then you gotta add more German captured tanks too…


probably tomorrow, monday blogs aren’t the most common

well one DovBleg this week is more or less guaranteed, albeit probably not the one most would hope for

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If it isnt Coastal Sweden CBT im leaving

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I sadly dont think thats the case, but since the current Air Event is ending in one week, i assume the announcement for the next Naval Event comes within this week

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North Korea + Iran tree



Saeqeh, Kowsar, Azarakhsh, Yasin and funky F-14 😍

Iran would be a cool tier 5-8 sub-tree

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Iran would be a cool nation for their things to be scattered all over instead of being a subtree 😏