Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

somewhat i guess yeah

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Honestly the longer we don’t get one the better. I’m prepared to be colossally disappointed when the Sea Harrier FA.2 comes as a Premium, the Dessie Warrior comes as a Premium, and the Queen Mary comes as a Premium

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I see you have your expectations as low as me.


Or alternatively, buff the armour arbitrarily?
It’s not as if anyone can say “no”, because the only non-classified sources that i’d imagine exist would be documents outlining the Abrams programme’s targets.

Of course aha



Just realised he said that as well

I guess France did nothing in 1939


wait what I didn’t read that right did I?

France? Later in the war?
FRANCE WAS IN THE WAR AT THE START (unless you consider 1937 the start of WW2)

what history books did this guy read

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This man is silly, mods give him testicular torsion


I mean they did kinda just sit there behind the Maginot Line but I’ll diplomatically call that “a deterrence stance”

I don’t know why this Canadian Leo argument is still going on when i thought it was pretty obvious by now that Gaijin adds vehicles wherever they please and not following any “rules” that have been talked about here


Well to be more exact. It went from being the Canadian leo argument to being a Canadian tech-tree argument.

I don’t know why this Canadian Leo argument is still going on

Well since the Leopard 2A4 CAN reappeared in the latest leak kinda re-spark the whole debate about it once more (at this point I feel like it might become a inside joke now sooner or later).

Yes. It’s funny and communicates my feelings.

I mispoke. France, Belgium were involved at the start. But they were using early WW2 vehicles. When it comes to mid to late WW2 vehicle additions both countries are mostly limited to Shermans which they were given in the later stages of WW2 when the Allies were advancing through Europe. IIRC, Belgium tank crews used the Firefly during the later stages of WW2. So whilst there are Belgium and French additions up until 2.7 or so, from then until 5.3/5.7 it’s limited to copy and paste vehicles provided by America and Britain (and also the few post-WW2 French [idk about Belgian] modifications).

The original conversation was about French and Benelux mid to late-WW2 era tanks in War Thunder.

Literally everyone used shermans

God I love seeing people argue over future tech trees and sub-trees. Really tickles my imagination.

Thailand to Japan

Turkey to Israel

Pakistan to China

United Korea with Vietnam sub-tree

Canada with Australian sub (with bonus New Zealand)

Switzerland with Austrian sub

Yugoslavia with Romania sub

More more MORE


United Korea with Vietnam sub-tree

What. That’s a first hearing that, although sounds pretty cool imo.


And? Wasn’t that my original point? That adding new tech trees from Rank 3/4 is necessary to avoid excessive copy and paste, one of the exceptions being France which has a plethora of pre-WW2/ early WW2 vehicles…

It came to me in a dream.

I was just pondering what sub-tree Korea could get and spluttered what came to mind. Vietnam had a bluefor V redfor war like the Koreas and is now communist like NK, so it works very VERY losely

He might be an ass about it but how is he wrong? Like 50% of the tree is copy paste, the rest are various LAV variants and SPAA. If anything he was way too generous with that list

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