Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Ahhh Monday…
Low chance of devblog… better get the copium out and have hopium for tomorrow.

Still possible, however; it’s happen before.

All we could do now is pray a devblog would be this week.

If it’s not this week, the update will come quite later than in previous years.

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Domestic tank.

One again domestic.

Canada was the only one to use that variant. (and really the only one to put it in services unless you count the one Thai one that can’t move).

Heavy modified done to the C1(modified 1A3s) that became 1A5s(C2 is a 1A3 hull with a 1A5 turret) with the only add-on armour for where they were being deployed, Africa. (or could work on said tank.)


I wonder what Japanese will get for ground. The lack of Japanese vehicles on the leak list is quite interesting, to say the least. I am hoping for the recently passed CCV (I love light vehicles). Btw, I’ve heard of the VT-4 premium for China in the upcoming update, where did this rumor originate from?


All those tanks are already in the game, hence why they’d be copy-paste if a dedicated tech tree was added.
It’s the same reason why Type 62 is copy-paste despite it being Chinese.

Oh hey your the guy who propose the Thai-japan tech-tree idea. Keep up the work my guy :D


A lot of SEA, apparently. The CCV and Type 11 would be lovely, also.

As long as there is a hopium for me, I will be there.



That’s the spirit my guy.

For me, the 2 in the red circles are the very interesting parts, as the CBT one was said to be the French Coastal. Also, even though this leak list might not be the “tip of the iceberg”, it seems like there are some vehicles omitted from the list.



I believe the Chu-MPMS in the first leak is a Japanese vehicle, but I think the correct name is MMPM, not MPMS.

It’s a Japanese vehicle which is this lovely thing

Which the hull is the same one used for the Type 93 SAM I think.

That as much as I known so it be better to leave it to the experts who done more research then me.
(Also I can be proven wrong so please don’t take my word for granted.)

MPMS and MMPM are both real, but they ar fifrent.

MPMS is multi wehicle system

MMPM is one wehicle

I honestly hope not hahahah

It would be just a Leopard 2PL basically. I am tired of U.S getting subpar “top tier” tanks…

What USA really needs at this point is M1A2 SEPv3; maybe Gaijin won’t be able to refuse to give that one actual armor so that it’s more survivable than the 10.3 1979 Abrams.


Not so much air makes me think maybe BeNeLux air.

At the very least I’d like the Fokker G1.

  • It was operationally by the dozens (which is a decent amount for small European countries in 1940)
  • It was way ahead of it’s time when introduced
  • It performed well in the few days it was able to see combat
  • it’s soooooooo pretty

Also, might as well chuck in a Dutch D.XXI since the model is in game already.


Maybe… But for now we play the waiting game for the time being.

any new leak? im really want to knocking myself unconscious and wake up when next upgrade


I’m guessing this is a new running joke now lol?

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