Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

In game with that exact varint it’s C&P if not it’s a new vehicle.

do u want candian leo to germany or US? cuz most candian combat aircraft is american, and youd get that to complement the leo. and then there is also all the american stuff that would also really let you build a strong lineup around the leo 2a4m, or as strong as it can get with the russian bias at the br range itll be in

Who cares if their is copy and paste Jesus


I prefer seeing a Commonwealth tree, Canadian tree or sub for UK than everything else

like EXACT exact or anything that doesnt actually add any difference in speed, flight model or armament vs the OG one. im guessing youd consider the j-11 and most of the early f-16 CP as they basically the same

fair enough, UK could use the stuff. ik it sounds wierd but i low key want Spain in the US tree as itd be real cool to have a squadron spanish f18

And most German aircraft after WW2 are not German literally who care about the same vechiles in another tree


That is the same for any other new tree that can be added

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But for me a sub tree is the last acceptable option since it will limit the number of vehicle in the tree

i mean there isnt much canadian stuff thatd really be different from the versions made by the country the stuff came from other than like the leos, anything else they could just add as a camo for vehicles

one. no other nation uses the SS.11 mounted on the truck.

Two the M113 were mods done by Canada itself.

Sure everyone made a Recolliess rife jeep but everyone did it themselves.

Also, I noticed you have only been looking at top tier. enorning the heavy domestic WW2.

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What did I miss?

Just some nation claiming that Canada is nothing but C&P for uses modified vehicles or licenced built.

Or domestic stuff.


Oh boy, were back to this argument again?

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Which is why half trees are better. As you can start the tree off when interesting vehicles are added. It’s not as if there’s many WW2 vehicles that could go to another country that’s not in-game right now.

Yup ^^

Oh a top-tier only person that’s what you are.

Nothing about half trees are good to me as a WW2 enjoyer.

Lmao, France has an absolute fuck-tonne - they invented that missile! But Gaijin hasn’t bothered to add any.

Damn, what a deep modification:

I agreed that “The only thing Canada has going for it is some WW2 vehicles”. But they could just as easily be added to the UK and nothing would be lost.

Forgive me for wanting to see new, unique and interesting vehicles to War Thunder.

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HAHAHAH! Almost every nation that existed during WW2 had one or more domestic Ground and Aircraft families. (and every nation that fought in it did)

That’s well over 10000 vehicles you say should be ripped up and split apart.


yeah, cold war to modern is more imported but canada had a major impact on ww2 and that should be reflected more. whether it goes to uk or us or both idk tho, as there are cases where one would be more appropraite to put a canadian vehicle in than the other