Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Ill be honest, champ.

I feel like if you werent throwing so many elbows and pissing so many people off, more people woukd support your canada suggestions.

No xD

People don’t want “C&P tree”

Some? Did you not look at the suggestion? Ram, Grizzly, Fox, Wolf, Lynx, Sexton.

Guess who made the first Churchill AVRE that’s right Canada. The one if first Sherman Firefly prototypes too.

Haha. They were given to everyone. The US only got one version when Isreal got two.

HAHAH no. Most of the C&P was rank two.

And SK only has the K2 for a domestic vehicle is it any better? all their other MBTs are C&P US ones.

To be honest i only want this to throw it at heli/CAS. as much as i love type 81c, it’s sucks when facing low flying jets/heli. Probably need a new map for it though, like EC map/mode

Well if they didn’t come here and act like Canada didn’t ever build more modify anything domestic we wouldn’t be having this problem.


So there is a total of 141 things here, out of the number there are 29 copy and paste, 19% of this suggestion. Rounding down by things that should be in other trees there are about ~100 unique vehicles give or take.

Canada tree copy and paste number
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5
Rank 6
Rank 7

Number of thing intotal
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5
Rank 6
Rank 7

Without C&P
C&P percentage


Jesus Christ I’ve been out for about 8 hours and still came back to the same topic/discussion.


Be careful, that lvl of C&P is way to high xD

a lot of canadian small arms are copies of american rifles, TOW is used, american m67 grenade is used, american upgraded m113 are used, some american MRAPs, humvees and the american military dune buggy thing, american trucks, american UAVs, some small american radars, license made american howitzers, thats about it for the army. Do note that there are many other vehicles made by other countries that fill a similar role within the canadian army, as well as other equipments that fill similar roles as their american counterparts, but not quite.

War…war never change

by the way, are you canadian? you seem to know a lot about canadian vehicles and have interest in a canadian tech tree.

Petition to rename the game to CanadaThunder.

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I’m Canadian and…no thx

naw let him cook, add funny winter hat thingy infantry that whacks enemy tanks with hockey sticks until they explode.

Apparently having 1 C&P is bad. Yet that is what all NATO nations are becoming.

Yet modern day is nothing but C&P. 90% of all unquie stuff is form WW2 and the 50s at most 60s.


Canadian player just want to play Canadian vehicule, other want to continue to split this nation for having new vehicle for them

by copy paste do you mean repeats of similar vehicles in a tech tree or widespread addition of certain vehicles to different tech trees? or both

Now let’s look at Rank IV+ and cross out anything that was already operated by a country already in-game. And let’s cross out any Jeep or M113 with an ATGM or recoilless rifle slapped on to it, because that’s not really anything worthwile since I’m sure you’ll find almost any country has done the same exact thing (especially to an M113 chassis).


Ignoring SPAA, not much is left, is there?

I see Britsh and Frnce howitzers.

Lots of British, Germany and South Africa for some reason.

Also part from the .50 cal I see Belgium Machine guns. Actually a lot of Belgium guns…

Sure there is a decent number of US stuff but there is also a lager number of other nations’ stuff.