Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Canada’s modified Leos? All of them are well above 9.0

Oh but modified stuff is “C&P” then there is also the Multi-mission effects vehicle.

Canada has its domestic LAV line for the top tier and all its M113s(bar the ADATS) are far lower than its highest LAV. There are also the half a million technicals Canada makes.

It’s one of the best TT options as it can start at Rank one. With only 3 being better than it.



and they are closely allied nations which share very similar vehicles (except for the leopards lol) and other equipment

AAM-4B main issue is that only counter its probably gonna be going behind a mountain since the AESA radar its op and the missile guides by datalink up to halfway then switches to radar so it dosent get detected, worse of all is that the fuse its multi-directional and uses the radar in the missile to direct the warhead explosion to the target, also the AAM-4 has this

Politically close? HAHAHA maybe more than a decade ago but not anymore. (It is still far more British in the government).

Physically? that’s only due to being on the same continent.

similar equipment? looks at the very European equipment that made up much of it army even to this day.

strategies? I’m sorry but Canada shares none with the US for its far different role in NATO.

The US has no logical claim to Canadian vehicles. The UK only did due to the "Commonwealth agrment Gajin has used before.


unless 2a4m is 11.0 it should go to US tt, no US 10.7 mbt. Plus, for anyone who is Canadian or just really wants to play Canadian stuff, Canada uses license made US jets, and guess what the US air tree has? the jets the Canadair ones are license made from. you would have a great variety of stuff to back up your 2a4m that isnt just more leos, and a bunch of mediocre aircraft

The problem of “that not unique” damn, how many vehicles we need to remove from the game for only having unique one…

No! The US has nothing to do with the Canadian Leo.

The variants that the Canadian aircraft is based on aren’t in the US TT. (and the few that are are event vehicles.)


I’m looking at the tech tree proposal:

The only thing above 9.0 are some copy-and-paste Leopard 2s and one Leopard 2 which will end up in the German tech tree anyway.

Honestly, if a tech tree relies on technicals to fill itself out then it’s a poor excuse for a tech tree. The only thing Canada has going for it is some WW2 vehicles and from then on out the backbone of the tech tree are some British, German and American vehicles with a few LAVs thrown in the mix. Turkey and United Korea are infinitely better options off the top of my head.


How C&P for a new nation is a problem?

Why is Canadian Leo this contentious? Like, is it that game breaking or meta-defining or something?

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New nations should add unique vehicles, otherwise why add the nation in the first place?

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What part of the modified did you miss?

The entire reason Germans want the 2A4M CAN is because they have nothing like it, it’s a unique Leo only to Canada.

Also, those LAVs are domestic Canadian vehicles so of course there’d be a lot and the MMEV is unique as well and higher then 9.0.

Because everyone want new vehicles in their own tree but everyone forget than Canadian players want a tree to play multiple Canadian vehicule at the same time

You definitely didn’t looked all the tree, you just looked the c&p

Over a tree that can start at Rank one. I can’t find half trees to be better than WW2 trees/Rank one trees.

The only better trees the Canada are Yugoslavia, Poland and Czechoslovakia (only one is needed from those two for a REDFOR nation).

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Modified? What unique modifications are there? Look at all the M109s, they’d already have a priority place in the US tech tree.

Not as if Canada would have much of a line-up to support it…

Great, a handful of domestically produced vehicle. That’s a break from all the C&P, isn’t it?

Yeah it’s very hard to miss since it takes up the vast majority of the tech tree past Rank 3.

Yeah, it’s not as if most of the vehicles used in WW2 came from a very few major countries. (e.g.) I wonder why Korea doesn’t have any WW2 vehicles… that’s right, they were occupied by Japan! Only thing Canada has going for it are some WW2 vehicles and then there’s not enough unique vehicles to warrant its existence as a tech tree.

“priority place in the US” xD

Are they not just plain old M109s that were also in US service?

I just don’t understand why so many people are mad or doesn’t want new tree in wt, just don’t play the tree and let people who want to grind it having fun…