Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

But it’s true. Canada guts the computer systems on most things and replaces them with domestic stuff.

For the Leos, it’s understandable needs to be in both English and French. But ended up happening with the Hornets too. Well, that did happen with the half a billion major upgrade programs it had.

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So the German army and government made the upgrade?

Not saying that. it’s Canada saying what they want on it from available solutions and KMW does the upgrade

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Changing the language isn’t gutting the system.


Except they didn’t take an available solution they got a solution built just for it with no German involvement. Bar a greedy company that cares more for money than its host country.

If they company makes it a vehicle of its host nation then everything BAE is a British vehicle. everything Lockheed Martin is American etc.

It’s more than just language.

It’s an available solution…… why wouldn’t it? Thermals existed, mineplate existed, addon armor existed. Oh we have an old 2A4 and need it to become more modern lets combine them into the 2A4M Can. Oh wait we can’t build any tanks nor can we modify them hmmmm maybe the company developing those systems can implement them. Sounds right?

Don’t forget the Grizzly would be American

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Said solution was multiple different ones taken apart and put together to make a new one.

And Canada still dose make military vehicles or are you also going to try and tell me the LAVs and Amrcian and built in a US factory.

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Not saying that but let’s see them build a tank out of the blue.

No one is making tanks really anymore


I bet America, china, Germany, Russia soon Italy and a few other country’s would like ro speak with you.


I am

Everyone who can make tanks is making them.
Even Japan whose geography is inconvenient for tanks is making small numbers of Type 10s.

no one has made a new tank in decades

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Why would we do that? (With NATOs standardization) modifications sure.

But any tanks Canada would build would be licenced built first. Something Canada has done multiple times successfully. To the point, multiple Major nations have adopted or adopted the domestic descendant of that licenced-built vehicle.

Oh god not that thing.

Newly build or newly designed?

and is that in full scale production

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