Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

If there is anything Naval I want it’s costal to be less of a pain to grind.

I love spawning with destroyers that I have to use a peashooter to fight and in turn can’t kill. /S

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Yeah, also doesnt help that most matches are Gaijin-bots that reward a fraction of what a player kill gives. I get it. But it just makes the grind even worse. I want to get my Coastal sorted because im hoping for something like a Type 21 Frigate in the forseeable future but its so painfully slow


3, its not a big deal but I see there as being two.

Scharnhorst, Kronshtadt and the third?

I would say Alaska, Kongo and Hood are a step below, Alaska has poor armour and reload. Kongo Has poor guns and gun handling and armour but a decent reload. And Hood has poor armour (compared to Scharn and 7.0 BB’s), very poor gun handling, and not great AA/secondaries, as well as god awful dispersion which might be worse than 16" guns.

I know that already got answered but you can also check the BeNeLux tree suggestions :)

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I mean to be fair anything to entice people into playing naval more.

Hopefully with Split BRs they might just, just implement something that means they can decompress the BRs. Because idk about you but I really don’t want to fight a Bravy with my 4.7 Prop and my World War 2 era Destroyer.

which, let’s be fair, probably isn’t that realistic but anyway

The side effect is that QM gains access to superheavy shells which have much better penetration.

They are the same as on Iron Duke/Marlborough whereas Orion has the shitty versions which are basically just 12" shells.

But as you said she loses the 5th turret and so should be 6.3 as she also lacks the armour (if you can call it that) of Orion.

Oh it isn’t British 15" guns are the most accurate large calibre naval cannon in History and there are performance figures that prove it.

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I’m really tempted in my holidays to go to London and get a copy of that Range Table

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Thats my issue is I can’t get a digital copy, I know the figures but to make a bug report I need a picture as well as potentially the cover

and it will spawn with destroyers that will just instantly kill you because it will face US destroyers with 8 auto loading 5 inch gun and you have a single 4.5 inch gun

I want to try the Type 21 but I already know unless it comes with its anti ship missiles, it will just be fodder for destroyers

Yeah, unless it gets ASMs. but it would be a fun addition for dealing with aircraft. Though they arent very common.

Yeah QE and R cover 7.0,

Britain doesn’t really have too much that is 7.3 worthy though.

Nelson has 1 more gun than her contemporaries and much more armour until refits are involved. KGV’s have an insane amount of armour and guns equivalent to the current British 15", Vanguard has a little less armour than KGV but more than Nelson and also 15" guns, and then Lyons have the same armour as KGV or Vanguard and 16" guns.

Gaijin, but not Pacifica or the CM’s who have to watch it go down

I wish they had originally had no plans for Canadian Leo’s and leaked the 2SG/Revolution first

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speaking of the costal disparity why is the Freccia 4.7, when the jaguar is 4.0? sure the Freccia can have 3 40mm but it has to scarifies the ability to kill any destroyers at all, and at 4.7 you will always see light cruisers and a ton of destroyers, meanwhile the Jaguar has 2 40mm with a faster reload and they have 4 torpedo instead of just 2. I think the Freccia sits at 4.7 still because it used to be able to absolutely melt destroyers but ever since they changed damage models it should really be moved down to 4.0

The only people losing the Leo argument is Canadian’s.

The only people the Germans are glouting at is Canadians.

Acting like they are superior as they use the Canadian Leo to hunt only Canadian ADATS(the they woud serve with) and run with things not used be Canada.


If they added the Leo 2SG i would’ve been fine if it went to Germany, Britain, Israel or even Japan.

Why not 2 CAN then?

That does confuse me both are via the same argument?

Did I miss anything important or noteworthy these past 2 days, or can I come back tmrw :)))

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Idc about the 2 CAN lol, not my nation’s tank

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