Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Nor has any Brit main asked for India to be added to our TT. But apparently its our fault

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The only ones the Should be held accountable for India is Gaijin.

They seem to think nations that don’t like/hate the UK makes more sense then a nation the was there for them in their “Darkest Hour” among other things or a nation that still has the “watermark”. (Ok maybe the Watermark was wrong but I don’t exactly got anything else as they had other problem over Europe)

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I want it so bad, its such a cool looking SPH hell apparently the Polish made their own domestic version

and then the polish version the AHS Krab


well i am joking that now that france gets benelux germany can claim switzerland without repercussions, so we would take responsibility for the hunter as well. And for clarities sake thats only argentinia and switzerland that would be part of german tree then, Same like UK with south africa and india

QUE ? ?

Wow salty.

That that UK players has no responsibility for Indian stuff they don’t want and the Canada and Australia actually fit.

Like what part of that was off topic? In was a comment on Gajin’s por decisions.

This is what I mean how can we be nice here and point our views forward if people just gonna flag it

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ooh i like artillery

More is always better D:
but please no more premiums ._.

what an interesting topic going on here

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not much, just the normal Leopard fight


I would die if the AS90 was a premium

Damn, so who’s winning?

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Everyone but the Canadians.

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I still think the Bulk of Argentina should be reserved for a South america TT. Its a currently under represented part of the world.

But Id have no issue with Switzerland going to Germany. just drive me nuts that out of the 4 Hunters in game at the moment. 3 are virtually unplayable and they are all the ones located in the British TT. The one that is even remotely viable or competitive is in the German TT.

If they fixed our Hunters or added a new one. Like the one from Oman or Singapore that would be an F58 equivalent then it wouldnt sting as much


Queen Mary is going to end up being the new premium.

But at least it would be unique.

Probably. Though there is a hole for it on our TT. So you never know. But its another £70 i’ll be saving for another day :D

Unless she’s 6.3 she’s not going to be very good to be honest.

I’d rather they invested their time into giving us QE or R or the same for the Italians and French with Francesco, Lyon or Dunkerque/Stras

Basically anything that progresses the game. The time for them to accurately represent the bulk of the UK’s WW1 Navy is almost over with, I’d rather they stopped flogging that dead horse and brought out the Interwar stuff.

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Idk if I were the Canadians I’d be glad that our vehicles are getting represented at all, says me as a Singaporean hoping our vehicles even show up lol

Basically HMS Orion with 1 less main gun. 6.3 is where Id place QM.

But yeah… We need a good 7.0 BB maybe even about time we got a 7.3 BB