Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

South Afirca and Canada with the odd Australian/New Zealand vehicle will do us just fine. Quite frankly. I just want them to start adding British vehicles more consistantly

I think it should have the sun umbrella if the 2A6M CAN comes to the game.

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good taste, but just saying its gajin, camo net sadly comes not included

There’s not that many popcorn discussions like the leo2 one.

That place is terrible. Mods close threads because they feel like it with no explanation and threads automatically close themselves if there’s no post.

Genuinely terrible.

So much for catering to the Russian playerbase, they’re kept in an open-air prison.


oh yeah no its why I said before the gripen came I wanted Canadian CF18s not Australian F18s even tho we could have gotten super hornets from Australia (legacy hornet my beloved)

This, to be honest, there are so many worthwhile ships to add, heck even the Queen Elizabeth’s and R-class would be nice to finally have in the tree. Queen Mary is a neat filler ship but the fact the tree still doesn’t have a 38cm armed Battleship while Germany has three (and Japan has a 410mm armed ship) is just plain annoying

Looks? sure
But Abrams is more mobile, better gun handling, better turret rotation, good ammunition (+ proxy HEAT-FS), good to decent armour, and most importantly 5sec reload

yeah. i personally want KGV just to finally have an 7.0 BB with HE

Yeah KGV is going to be a neat ship, as will Lion when that eventually pops up

It goofy and looks good. It should have it’s umbrella.



We’re halfway through the second part of Part 2 and yet not a single Dev Blog.
What lack of info/resources does to a community, they become bored lol


I mean if its a pack premium it most likely come with camo netting

and India, you might not like it, but its a fact its part of the british tree you cant just ignore it or push it to the side. And thats where a big part of UK comes from where the claim of half the world comes from. With UK, Canada, India and Australia/New Zealand you guys are pretty much claiming the diversity and top tier stuff from 4 different nations. UK, Germany, Russia, US

I think we hit Part 4 last time


Except thats the thing. With the exception of maybe the odd British export to india like the Jaguar. NO ONE wants indian vehicles in the British TT. it just doesnt make sense. Far far better to add things ike the mig-21 BISON to the soviet TT.

We are being accused of “wanting half the world” whilst actively trying to get rid of half of it

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Gib f4f ice.

we would need to reach a quite higher ground br for that XD, germany can reach it, but UK most likely will be stuck at roughly its br.
Could end up as germanies first 11.7 premium we have plenty of ground stuff left to get there :P

Lets see if we can hit Part 5 or 6 this time haha

From what i’ve seen over the year, the main nations that British players want/wanted are: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Few people wanted India, and i’ve seen mixed things regarding South Africa.

And yes I understand Gaijin representing other nations ingame