Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’m sorry but your the one your then one that’s been shoving the idea that German already has 6+ nations dedicated to it and needs Canada on top of it.

where did i ever do that? besides that being plain wrong
honestly i am propably the mildest german main here and pushed for peace options the most



and instead what are we getting…

T-90s and Mig-21s from India…

Tell me that none of those would have been better fits than those…

For the record, most of those were jokes directly insulting the “Commonwealth” stupidity that Gaijin came up with.

Canada and Australia does have a presence on our TT. A Canadian Leopard would be good. Better than the T-90 for our SQV and would make a good future Premium or Event vehicle.

The Abrams annoyed us simply because it was specifically the Australian Version. When they could have just gotten the US version maybe leaving the Australian Version for a future event vehicle or something

CF-18 was a genuine option instead of the Gripen. Gaijin REFUSED to even consider alternatives like the BAE EAP for our TT as a Top tier option. They ultimately went for the Gripen, But the CF-18 would be a perfectly reasonable alternative if it had come and not the Gripen. CF-18s could still make a presence on our TT. it would not be unreasonable and no more unreasonable than Germany getting Argentinan and/or Polish F-16s for the exact same reason why Britain was asking for the CF-18…

(Heck gernans are asking for Swiss F-18s… so…)

F-15s were just a joke. No one really wants those on our TT.


No need for Germany or Britain or America or anyone else to receive ships in Argentinian service we all have our own variants of exported ships.

Naval sub-trees are an interesting prospect, but honestly, I almost have a feeling Gaijin will end up piecing out the ships to various countries that had something to do with their design or construction. I could see Belgrano popping up as a US ship or Almirante Brown (C-1) as an Italian ship.

I agree, I’d expect to see things like HMS Erin and HMS Agincourt in the British tree.

No Naval tree in-game needs a subtree. They might appear as events but no real need for them outside of that.

yeah its what made me think because, all the quotes about Argentina have been saying right now they have a home in germany, so I wonder if their ships that were originally from america or the uk will go to germany or their respected nations

to be fair, so do they in US and germany, thats not realy an argument

thats another thing, You guys know that australia has more abrams variants right? why arent u asking for those thats a question we often had as well

and that is fair and valid, and the only reason we are looking for an option in between f4f ice and EF as well

either F-16 or F/A 18, as long as we get an option we dont care for which one, we only need one working one

For the record. List of CW “C&P” vehicles I ACTUALLY want for our TT

1x leopard. (Ideally 11.3 ish to be usable alongside the ADATS) (alternatively could come at 10.3 ish but not quite as good)

1x F-111C from Australia (would make quite an interesting event vehicle)

1x CF-18 (top tier flavour, also adds to the Canadian Line-up)

1x Australian F-86 (with the roll royce engines and 30mm ADEN canons)

(you also have other F-86 variants, including those ACTUALLY used by Britain)

and thats to be honest about it.

Got things like Canadian designed and built vehicles id like to see. But there should be 0 objection to any of those, like the Avro Arrow or LAV III


And thats the problem. They keep shotgunning these vehicles all over the place. Get rid of India, and make a commitment to add some good Canadian vehicles instead.


u guys can get the canadian 2a6m like i said, would be 11.7 so even better

are we still going on about this?

about time a Devblog steals the show

probably the closets we would get to a 2A7V counter as well lol

I’m gonna say it again, this is the easiest way for things to be handled.



You know what the first dev-blog is going to be…

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about time the dev blog resolves this whole **** show


also have India T series Tank, Mig-29, Su-30 and Rafale
look very nice btw

I’m not saying Canadian light vehicles should replace British light vehicles, but it’s still a welcome addition

I know its gonna be german but a part of me does wanna see it be british just to see the shit storm that would come with it lol

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